Where Are They Now?

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Cookies & Creme
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Where Are They Now?


Odyssey has gone through several different eras of kids and characters. Where are they now?

Disclaimer: What you are about to read may shock you. but this is merely from my mind. Keep in mind that my mind roams to the far ends of the galaxy and may not exactly match your thinking. Feel free to form your own theories and discuss.

Trent and Mandy: (we know they get married, but what's the untold story that leads to this??)
After high school they go separate ways. They tried the dating thing and even went to prom but they felt led to different colleges and their paths parted. After about a year and a half, Trent contacts Mandy (in the summer) to see how things are going. Mandy nearly breaks down with tears. She explains to him that he was the best thing that ever happened to her and she's been a fool. She tried a relationship with a guy that pushed her into decisions that she now regrets. She goes on to tell Trent that she is pregnant and the father is trying to get her to get an abortion. Trent talks with her and even flies to see her. They have a nice long time together and they decide what must be done; Mandy drops her classes in order to get an appartment near Trent, and Trent continues with his classes. Mandy has her child. Eventually they get married and have two more kids.

Jack and Lucy: (We know Jack proposed and Lucy says yes; But the untold story??)
After Jack proposes, they set a date. But something feels wrong. Lucy schedule changes to the point where it feels unpredictable and it feels like he never really sees her as much anymore. He becomes suspicious and suspects that there may be someone else. He doesn't want to approach her because there is the off chance that he's wrong. He waits a while longer but finally he can't stand it anymore, there must be some reason she's acting so strange. He asks her but she avoids the question. Jack worries and attempts to keep a cool head. A few days late it's Jack's birthday and Lucy surprises him with a beautiful watch to replace his old one that had just broke. He realized she must have been working extra hours in an effort to get the money in time. He also realized how silly he had been. They get married and have two sets of twins.

Tom Riley and Richard Maxwell: (Tom's mysterious disappearance explained, as well as Richard's untold story.)
Tom visits Agnes at Hillingdale but this time while there he meets someone very unexpected; Richard Maxwell. Old memories rush back to him, but he puts them aside and approaches a doctor to find out why he's there. The doc explains that Richard was found inside an abandoned shack hogtied and bound. But by the time someone found him he seemed to have been exposed to some type of chemical or something and no ones been able to make sense of anything he says. Tom asks if he can talk to him and the doc says sure just not to excite him. Tom goes in and upon seeing Tom Richard exclaims; "you! It's you! You need to listen to me. No one will believe me. They think I'm crazy!" Tom listened to what he had to say. A lot of it did seem crazy. Apparently Richard had stumbled onto some info he wasn't supposed to know; A gang of bad men kidnapped a scientist that made a huge break through. He invented the very first working time machine. Richard had snuck into a meeting and saw the machine in action. What the men didn't know was that before Richard was found out, the scientist gave him a working wristwatch version of the time machine. Richard pulled out the device and gave it to Tom. Tom was skeptical but took it. Richard explained that the watch automatically updates itself to the time that the other one is set for and that Tom just needed to push go. Tom did so and was off to save time. He has been lost in time ever sense protecting the Earth from a changing history.

(May add more later. But go ahead! Speculate!)
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Mocha Jamocha
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This is Really cool!
I think there should be a Where Are They Now Album! FANS would LOVE it!!!!
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Cookies & Creme
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HannahJ. wrote:This is Really cool!
I think there should be a Where Are They Now Album! FANS would LOVE it!!!!
I agree, even if it was a few episodes that fans put together just for fun.

Bernard Walton and Nathaniel Graham: (The untold story)
Bernard's janitorial business suddenly went into a huge slump. No one wanted an old fashioned window washer any more. Everyone started washing there own windows or just let the grime build up. Disgusted Bernard checked into other locations and found a college that was hiring maintenance. While there he got to know some of the students and even gave advice to some. One student happened to include a certain Nathaniel Graham. Nathaniel's dad was able to afford college for Nathaniel easily. Though Nathaniel started getting discouraged because he couldn't figure out what he wanted to do with his life. He even started thinking that maybe he didn't have a place in this world. After talking with Bernard, Nathaniel found that the best thing to do is to pray and wait. That God has a plan even if it's hard to see sometimes. Eventually Nathaniel decided to study business but then switched into computer science. Bernard became known for the wise janitor that gave advice and told stories even outside Odyssey.
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HannahJ. wrote:This is Really cool!
I think there should be a Where Are They Now Album! FANS would LOVE it!!!!
Yeah. That would be a really cool idea. i wish they did.
Pound Foolish
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Liz Horton:
Liz left to go to a College outside of Odyssey. She is now a freelance journalist. She did a story on the government. Suddenly...
Bleeeep! Bleeep! A man ran up to her and ran a small metal object up and down her.
"What was that??" asked Liz.
"I was testing you to see if you're a foreign spy."
"Oh, manalive, do you mind if I check your hair for coo- Jared??"
Liz talked with Jared and gave him her phone number. At first, they behaved just as friends, but Liz couldn't help noticing her friend had grown a chest, and even some maturity and a deep love of God. They sprang into a passionate love affair... but it ended in tragedy. Liz's feelings for Jared died. Grief stricken she forced herself to tell him. For a year, she continued her career alone. One day, she stared at a pile of newspapers and magazines on her bedroom table. She worked hard on them. Poured her heart into them. She had jumped faster than other reporters, sometimes risked danger, and traveled far no matter the inconvenience, to write them. And, most importantly, she always tried to write them from the perspective she believed God wanted her to. So, she pondered miserably, why do the seem so... meaningless?
Then, at a swimming park, she met Alex. For a moment, she couldn't say anything, as old feelings roared back. "Alex, it's you! Sorry I didn't say anything at first, it's just you're breathta-" She slapped her forehead. "I mean, it was breathtaking to SEE you." She and Alex had kept in touch, but it had been years since she saw him. They were staying in the same vicinity. After a week, Liz asked Alex out. Liz felt purpose back in her life. After some months, Alex has decided to ask Liz to marry him...
  • "Pound Foolish, I just adoreee arguing with you! Here, have an eyeball."
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As the founder of the E.R.K., may I say: Emily RULES!
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Mocha Jamocha
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I always thought that Jared and Liz would get married, but I just can't picture Liz and Alex together.
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Pound Foolish
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Hmmm.... I'm having trouble picturing her with Jared... since we've been hit with a craze for made-up AIO funny AIO scenes lately, I'll sum it up this way.
Jared: "Liz, dearest, I'm going to... Ah! UFO!"
Liz: "That's Trent Junior's toy, crazyums."
Jared: "If you're sure... ah! There's a camera on the-"
Liz: "Trent's toy robot, crazyums."
Jared: "I told him to get rid of that thing! It looks suspiciously like it could hold a bomb."
Liz: "Crazyums, just go to work... And if the house explodes, I'll give our insurance a call."
Jared: "About work, I'm not sure about my job..."

Anyway, I just thought it would be neat if Liz and Alex got married because she has a crush on Alex. Besides, Liz appreciates intelligence. Jared's never shown much in that area... Anyhoo, if we're complaining about weird, Seasie, what's with Mandy having premarital you-know-what? ;)
  • "Pound Foolish, I just adoreee arguing with you! Here, have an eyeball."
~Suzy Lou Foolish

As the founder of the E.R.K., may I say: Emily RULES!
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That was not my sister's idea, Pound Foolish.

I have always thought that Liz wouldn't marry any of the Odyssey boys. I figured that she would meet her beloved in college or something.
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I guess that makes sense GG.
Eugene would be the best President, don't you think?
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Doll Lovers Club!
Soda Shop Sisters Club!
Emily? Well, I'm in the middle somewhere.
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