Jason: Tasha, Monica, or... CONNIE?!?

If it ships, it fits! Think Jennie is a match made in heaven? Think Jason and Tasha are meant to be? Here's where to discuss your OTP!
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In a word.... no
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I think I'll post apart of my blog article about this very subject. ;)

Should Jason Get Married?

Personally, I feel that this could not only be an excellent and creative way to expand the "new" Jason Whittaker, But, An opportunity. An opportunity for the writers and actors alike to show what exactly these "New dimensions" of a beloved character are suppose to be.

Now, A question has been roaming about in my mind ever since the G.R.C., Or, Even further if you would like to look at it that way, An Accidental Dilemma Parts 1&2...

"What exactly is our "James Bond Boy" suppose to be now that he has quit the agency?

This, I might add, Is why I feel that Jason could use a spouse at this time. I mean, Beforehand, How on earth would he be able to get married? He spent all of his time doing tasks and missions with the agency and co-operating with foreign agencies to bring down master criminals and terrorist groups. Then, He went into the mission field, And traveled nonstop ALL THE TIME! How could he have time to find and marry someone in the midst of all of this?


Now, We see that, Just as many, If not all of the older characters lately, Jason is being changed to fit in with the new life of Odyssey. He has quit the agency for good, He no longer has dangerous missions to pursue, And, His own agency thinks he is dead, So how exactly could he go back to them? He now is a carefree, Normal, Law abiding (Hopefully ;) ) citizen of Odyssey. What should he do with his life?

Now, Look at this from a "Behind the scenes." perspective for a minute...

Adventures In Odyssey's relaunch took place on May 11, 2009. With it came the introduction of many new characters. And, The disappearance of many older ones as well. Some families which we knew and loved were discarded, And thrown away to never be seen again. One of these families, Was the McKay's. Now then, You tell me. An Accidental Dilemma was the start of Jason's "Cool down" so to speak. This episode, However, Had a lot to do with not only Jason and his secret agency world, But, Strangely enough who do you think managed to get himself caught up in the mess? None other than Grady McKay. At the end of this episode... SPOILER ALERT!!! Jason faked his own death to escape from not only Tasha and the National Security Agency, But, From the enemies he made as well. Now, I do realize that Characters such as Connie and Whit knew about how it was fake. But, Tasha doesn't. I'm also not sure Grady and his father do. So, If these characters all think he is dead, How exactly is Tasha suppose to come in and be swept of her feet by Bond Charming over here? And, Even if she did come back. How would this go? How would she know to come back? Would she not be hurt from what Jason did to her? And, If she did come back and found out he was alive, What would she say? It would have to link to what she thought happened, Which had to do with the McKay's, Which are now gone. So, If she came back, And started talking about an incident which people now act as if never existed. And, No one has ever "heard of" The McKay's, How exactly would this all fit together??

I will now list the pros and cons of each character.

Tasha: Now, To add onto what I just said, There is also one detail we cannot forget. One that was the cause of Jason's and Tasha's disengagement in the first place. The Bible says "Be not thou equally yoked with a non believer." Translated into English, That basically means that you are not suppose to be in a relationship or marry a non believer. Remember Solomon?
Anywho, Tasha was not a believer in Christ, And, Really had no interest in becoming one.
So, Jason realized that they couldn't really live Happily ever after.

Amy: Now, This was a character I found interesting. It was right before Novacom, And was only seen once. I thought that she might of had a least a small amount of potential. If only they had kept her going. Did you notice how many one time characters there were during this era?
Although, We must point out that me knew nothing of her true background. We knew nothing as of whether or not she was a Christian or not. We only knew that her husband was "gone" and her son had to be extremely mature for his age because of whatever they went through. Not a lot to be said, Huh?

Monica: Well... I'm not exactly sure what to say,Think, Or feel about Miss Stone here...
We know she isn't a Christian, She lied to Jason about being a missionary of all things. (Not exactly the best way to start out a relationship.) As far as we know, She is currently in jail. However, People can change. She admitted her mistakes and was willing to pay for them. While I (Even though I might get some negative feedback.) hate to say it, I must. I really must say that I doubt that they will ever use the character of Monica Stone ever again, Much less have her become a Christian. But, The fans can dream. ;)

Connie: Wow... Where do I begin? No, Literally, Where do I begin? I'm not sure how or what to feel about this idea. Connie and Jason... It just doesn't seem to ring to me. (No pun intended ;) :lol: ) But, In a way, It also might just ring... Connie and Jason have been close friends for a long time now. She now knows of his work in the NSA and the FBI. She knows about his mission work and how he feels about it. She also knows what he likes and dislikes. You are probably thinking " I now pronounce you man and wife." ...
There are also some cons to this idea as well.
One comes to mind that I have been thinking about a lot lately. Age difference.
Connie, According to the Official AIO Podcast, Is currently in her early 20's.
Jason, Is currently in his 30's or 40's by now according to Focus on the Family! O.o
Do we see how this could be a problem?
I cannot really explain some of my negative views on this matter, For one reason or another.
It's just one of those things that, Deep down inside, I feel would end up in heartbreak if they tried to pursue it...
But, That's just me. ;)

Just for the record, Did anyone notice how Spoiler alert!!! happy Jason and Connie seemed to be around each other in Home Again parts 1&2? They acted, Almost, Awkward around each other. It may just be me though. I'm not sure. But, I really hope they ponder every moment of their writing and story arc creating. So, Those who are following will not have to listen to another heartbreak.

I really hope that, If Jason finds a spouse, It will be the perfect woman for him. Not just someone to marry because the fans wanted it. I'm a little tired of the writers creating knew love interests, Only to dump them off in a little while. However, Isn't this like how some of our lives will be? we may find someone, Only to find that they aren't the right one for us. This may happen more than once in our lives as we grow as well. Not that I think having a relationship constantly with a different person every week is okay. Nor, Do I think that you should go out with someone just because you might think "they look nice". I just hope and pray that you will ask God about it. Pray for wisdom and guidance everyday of your life. Walk in the light so that your path shall always remain straight. It may be that God may only want you together for just a little while. It may be a test, Or, He may just put that person in your life for just enough time to help you through something. I just pray that, No matter what happens, You will remain faithful, 100%. ;)

Thanks for reading. ;)
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it depends on who it is. but it would be interesting....:)
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Personally, I don't want anyone to get married except maybe, (and this is a strong maybe) wooton and penny, But that's all! no buts about it.
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Okay, I know this may be totally off topic, but who on earth voted He should die?!?!?! Wow...poor Jason... O.o
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underseasie wrote:Okay, I know this may be totally off topic, but who on earth voted He should die?!?!?! Wow...poor Jason... O.o
Thats just what I was thinking...
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God's Girl wrote:
underseasie wrote:Okay, I know this may be totally off topic, but who on earth voted He should die?!?!?! Wow...poor Jason... O.o
Thats just what I was thinking...
Two words for you...

Pound. Foolish.
Nuff said. ;)
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so many opinions..
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Connie_Kendall wrote:so many opinions..
Yep... Please, No more about Jason dying. ;) Baha!
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I know, right?!
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Honestly I don't want to see Jason get married, mainly because it's hard to imagine. However at the same time, Jason isn't really a main character so if he were to get married and have to change due to settling down, it wouldn't be as big an issue as say.. Connie. However, I don't think he should get married simply because (up till now at least) he's been more entertaining single.

On that note, the bigger question of the matter is who Jason would marry if he were to get married. Sammy's look at this was great. And I do agree with a lot of what she said. However, here are my thoughts; Warning: The following thoughts are presented in a unique style that may be hard to follow. This user can be contacted if further questions arise.
Theme music plays and a person walks on set.
"Hello and welcome to Make a Match from the Past! I'm your host, Jason! I know you all know how this works but for those of you who don't here's uh.... how this...works."
*awkward pause, and slight laughter fills the room.
"Today we have five lovely ladies in the studio with us; Monica Stone, Amy...Unknown Last name, Connie Kendall, and Tasha Forbes. The way this works is our single guy will come out and ask these ladies question. And then based on their answers, he will pick one lovely lady to take on a date and who KNOWS! Maybe they'll even get hitched. So here's our handsome single guy, Jason what-a-great-first-name Whittaker. Take it away."
Jason steps off set and lets them do their thing.
"Ok, let's start with Monica. You deceived me and I think we all know how hard it can be to renew a trust. Why should I trust you again?" asks Jason Whittaker.

"Jason.... I did what I did to benefit my brother. I told you before I don't like pulling guns on people, it was what had to be done... Or at least what I thought had to be done. But the whole thing in Alaska, like I said before I did less acting as I went along. And I can honestly say I'm on a different path now. I know it won't erase what I've done, but I've paid my debt to society. And I really hope that you can forgive me and consider what we could have." Replies Monica.

"Well... Thanks for your honesty Monica. My next question is for Connie, I see us as more like friends. Doesn't the age difference concern you a little bit?" Jason W asks.

"I am aware of the age difference, however it's not that much right? What is age besides a bunch of numbers. If a couple likes each other on a deeper level who is to say that age should separate them? And the only way to find out is to try right? I mean otherwise we won't ever really know... But maybe this whole show is silly...."

"Ah. And my next question is for Tasha. What has changed since our departure?" Asks Jason W.

"Well, you're alive for one thing. However, a lot has happened since our engagement and breakup. I had time to try to fathom the reason for our breakup, and I began wrestling with the question of if there really could be a bigger purpose for life. And then when I thought you died in that explosion.. I realized how much you really meant to me. And I had several talks with your father, about life and God. And I haven't made any final commitments or anything, but with God things make sense. Without him everything seems so worthless... I know I'm in the same boat that you left me in, but when I found out you were really alive there was a hope that maybe we could be together after all. And I just needed to tell you that." replies Tasha.

"Thanks Tasha. And my final question goes to Amy. Amy amongst the other candidates I have spent the least time with you. What are some qualities that you look for in a man?" Asks Jason W.

"Well after my first husband died I wasn't really looking for another man per say. However, if I were to get married again, he would have to be a real fix it kind of man. And a role model for Josh. A role I could easily see you filling. He already looks up to you." replied Amy.

Jason comes back onto the set. "Well that's about all the time we have for questions. Now Jason, it's time for you to eliminate contestants and pick a winner." says Jason.

"Well, I guess I'll start with Connie and Tasha. Both of you are great friends. However, I don't see us going any further than that. Tasha, I'm glad your questioning your beliefs and keep having conversations with Dad. He'll answer them as best he can. Connie, your like a daughter to Dad and almost like a sister to me. I know God has someone out there for each of you, but I'm sorry I don't think it'd work out with us." Connie and Tasha walk off set.
"Now... Amy and Monica. Amy you're wonderful, and maybe I should get to know you more. However, Monica, I do forgive you and I choose you." Replies Jason W.
"You...do?" replies Monica.
"Yes, I don't know that I'll marry you or even date you on a deeper level. However, I would like to take you to dinner as friends and have a nice chat." replies Jason W.
"Well.. That was unexpected. But it looks like we have a Match from the Past! I'm Jason and this has been another unpredictable episode. Catch us next time to see if Wooton Basset picks Victoria or Penny Wise, or a Madam X. Bye!"

*Offset voices are heard. "You can't air this episode! I'm suposed to be dead.... or at the very least incognito!" Jason Whittaker shouts.
Ok, so maybe that's not the greatest way to look at it. However, I think that Monica has potential as a returning character. Why not try to make ends meet with Jason, and her brother? I don't think that it should go as far as marriage, but I do think that Monica returning would be a great spin on the show. It would challenge Jason in the area of trust, and it would give Monica someone to confide in.

As a direct answer to the question, I don't really think that any of the previously mentioned characters are right for Jason in the long run. So if they brought in someone new it might work out, however to introduce another new love interest at this time would be maddening since there are so many new characters coming left and right, right now.
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I saw that the last person to post in this topic was Jason and I thought, "Hmm, guess he wants a say if he should marry or not.." ;)

I really liked your thoughts on how it should go, Jason.. The one thing I didn't agree with was Monica Stone. I really don't see a need for her to come back. She wasn't that big of a character that I would see a need to know what happened to her. (Oy.. I sound mean =/) Thing is I feel that if she were to come back, the fans would want the writers to stick Jason and Monica together and I would rather see Jason single. Like you said, he's more entertaining that way. But other than that I really liked what you said =)
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Possibly. Though I am totally against the last option. There is a group of very strong willed girls who double as secret agents (With weapons) and will track this vile human down.
Thank you.
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Kaida wrote:I saw that the last person to post in this topic was Jason and I thought, "Hmm, guess he wants a say if he should marry or not.." ;)

I really liked your thoughts on how it should go, Jason.. The one thing I didn't agree with was Monica Stone. I really don't see a need for her to come back. She wasn't that big of a character that I would see a need to know what happened to her. (Oy.. I sound mean =/) Thing is I feel that if she were to come back, the fans would want the writers to stick Jason and Monica together and I would rather see Jason single. Like you said, he's more entertaining that way. But other than that I really liked what you said =)
Well in a way didn't they do that with Mitch? Not once, but twice? They took Mitch away, and then they brought him back to almost get married to Connie and then took him away again, and then brought him back with the news that he's engaged! O.o I know many die hard fans dislike that episode and question it's canonity. I guess after recently listening to the Novacom series it just feels like Monica was sincerely sorry for what she did, but she never really came forward to reveal that, besides confessing in trial. And if they did this, sure fans would write in pleading and bargaining for Jason to marry/not marry her. But fans did this with Mitch too. It'd be amusing to see Monica enthusiasts speculate on her and Jason's future.

However with Home Again, it does pose the question of whether he's really settling down for good.
I mean taking on J & J's antiques
kind of fastens him to Odyssey. So could the next step be marriage? And if so, speculation says that well the possibilities are endless. ;) O.o
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I still say it would be simpler if he just died...
Thank you for that long, amazing post, Jason, I enjoyed every single word. Your creativity and Odyssey insider joking still stimulates my AIO nerdism.
As to the controversy...
As a wannabe writer, I know creating a story isn't about what the author wants, it's about what the characters want. If a character seems to be taking on a life of their own, let them. The story will be so much the better. Shoehorning and constraining just makes a your audience cry out to your character "Why did you do that!?"
A character must be consistent with his or her established persona, the situation/context, and the facts.
We know from Jason's time with Monica that he developed a great fascination of her. Unlike the Tasha episode, which seemed to develop more gradually, it even started romantically right from the start. Yes, they had a falling out, like all good romantic couples. But we romance lovers know, all that means is they need to dramatically and touchingly get back together again. Hooray!
And so, we were left with Monica and Jason reconciled. We saw they truly loved each other. And Jason tossed us that tantalizing line "Maybe... on Valentine's Day."
Monica has been absent a long time. But she was a major character, Kaida. An instrumental one, and a moving one. She threatened with guns, she brought Eugene's info to Andromeda, and she boldly helped save Tom. A kick-butt heroine worthy of Jason.
And yet, after that promise... after "Maybe... on Valentine's day"... we're left with nothing. Are we to assume Monica doesn't exist anymore? No. If we are to consider Odyssey anything like a real place, and we must if we are to love it, Monica can't fall in love with Jason and then be packed off to jail and non-existence-black-hole-world.
We saw what Jason wanted. He wanted Monica. Monica wanted Jason.
The characters come first.
What they want comes first.
So who cares where the actual show eventually leaves Jason. At this point, it looks like the AIO team is leaving Monica in the dump. So be it.
In our minds, Jason and Monica should be together. They are characters. Their only reality is the reality in their audience's hearts.
In my vision, in my belief, my heart, Jason has not forgotten Monica.
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I think he should marry Connie and operate the Antique shop with her. Connie could continue doing some work at Whit's End, but Jason and the Antique shop would give her a sense of purpose, which I feel like she lacks. As for Jason, the antique shop would be a way to wind down his secret agent career while still providing ample opportunities for the drama and intrigue he seems to thrive on. I think all this should happen AFTER a lengthy courtship though. They've both waited too long to rush everything now. That would be weird.
If this Connie idea doesn't ever happen though, I would love to see Jason back with Monica. They had some great interaction, and the story line could be really cool - plus it's nice that she doesn't really like shooting people. :jason
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Pound Foolish wrote:I still say it would be simpler if he just died...
Please tell me I did not just read this in a "non-dream environment"... O.o
Pound Foolish wrote: If we are to consider Odyssey anything like a real place, and we must if we are to love it, Monica can't fall in love with Jason and then be packed off to jail and non-existence-black-hole-world.
We saw what Jason wanted. He wanted Monica. Monica wanted Jason.
The characters come first.
What they want comes first.
So who cares where the actual show eventually leaves Jason. At this point, it looks like the AIO team is leaving Monica in the dump. So be it.
In our minds, Jason and Monica should be together. They are characters. Their only reality is the reality in their audience's hearts.
In my vision, in my belief, my heart, Jason has not forgotten Monica.
That was put wonderfully PF! However, let me bring another thought forward. Was Jason crushing on Monica or on her acting? Monica may have done less acting as she went along but the whole thing must have been an emotional roller coaster for Jason. How could he love Monica again when she callously deceived him. Her motives may have been in the right place, but still. I could see an apology come forth, and maybe a struggle for forgiveness/trust, but I can't see them ever getting married even in my imagination. I reluctantly agree that your probably right that Monica will only live on in fandom ponderings. I like the way you said that characters sometimes take a life of their own and the writers only take a small part in directing them. Again, very well said.
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Thank you, and you've made some more excellent points on your part, as usual.
Jason is an extremely kind, tough person. So while the emotional rollercoaster would shake him all over, did Eugene, who's less suited to such things than Jason, give up on Katrina for a second when Brandon came into the picture? Quite the opposite. A little too much the opposite.
What counts is where the characters are left. What ground they stand on where we last see them. For it's that ground that they must move onward from. And as I say, what we were left with was... "Maybe. On Valentine's Day." He cared about her. He saw she changed, saw she'd never really been doing this for her own benefit, and saw she loved him now.
As to you, Emily, you made wonderful post. I'm enjoying them a great deal. But I'm afraid I only have one thing to say to it: "Connie and Jason? Ah-ugh!"
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Pound Foolish wrote:I still say it would be simpler if he just died...
Die, dear? O.o Mrs. Foolish does not approve of this statement. *sticks tongue out*

Again, your 'speculations' were superb, Jason. If I was to write a script of how Jason Whittaker relates his feelings to each of these women...I think I'd say much of the same things you did.

For a bit when I was first introduced to the Novacom series, I really despised Monica. All I saw was a distasteful, lying, back-stabbing woman with a seductive voice and charming ways. But, as I payed more attention to her character- I really begin to like her, even holding a bit of admiration for her. Monica's devotion to her brother was heart-warming. Dealt in the wrong way, of course...but there was a true, loving bond in all that happened. She was stricken with guilt, and desperately wanted to right things with her brother- even going to the high extremes to try and heal things.
And that was a beautiful and admirable thing.

I'd love to see her back, I'd love to see things mended between Monica, Jason and her brother. As for her and Jason being together, like some of you said, I could hardly see that ever happening. But if she did return and things got cozy between the two, I would be tickled pleased! But then again, the trust issue, complications...blah, blah.

Anyways, Monica would be my top choice for Jason. I don't find the thought of Jason and Connie together appalling...but I don't think it's the most suitable match in the world since, as many of you said, the bond with Connie and the Whittaker's has always been more of a family bond- not a romantic spark.

For Amy and Tasha- eh, never been a big fan of either of them. They are marked off my list.
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Suzy, I love you even more!! :D
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Sam: Up on our mountain, where the muffins stink, the boys aren't, and we play music all day long.. xD
Stella: Sounds AWESOME!
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