Nick Mulligan: your thoughts?

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Nick Mulligan: your thoughts?


Nick Mulligan has always been a favorite character of mine. A troubled teen taken in by his uncle, he added something to the show that you didn't see in many of the others around Odyssey. He was outgoing, had a ridiculous sense of humor and was quite a flirt among the ladies... "Who is THAT?"--Twisting Pathways{{ Very much portraying a modern day, "cool" teenaged guy. While he was a fun character, he was also very human...from annoying the girls in his family (remember escaped cockroaches and leftover sugar-coated sardine pizza?--In All Things Give Thanks) to struggling from old habits of his past, and trying to grasp who God really is...

Nick: You know, that's something I've been wanting to ask you and Traci. Ever since I moved in, all I've been hearing is God this and God that.
Mike: Is that a problem?
Nick: No. Not really. I think it's kind of you know. Quaint.

I very much enjoyed his character, although it was a little bit disappointing that he never became a Christian in any of the episodes...but then again, it doesn't always work that way.
Overall, I haven't heard an episode starring Nick that I didn't like.

Now...your thoughts...
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Nick Mulligan is pretty awesome. He reminds me of myself
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Actually, he does get saved in a clubhouse magazine article.

Nick is an okay character, he does have some funny quotes, but he isn't one of my favorite characters.
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Suzy Lou Foolish
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God's Girl wrote:Actually, he does get saved in a clubhouse magazine article.
Interesting. I wish they would have made an episode on it.
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I like Nick, but to me he seems less modern. I imagine him like a 1950s Greaser. Maybe it's the accent.
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I think Nick was pretty cool. I agree with you when you said "I haven't heard an episode starring Nick that I didn't like."
^^ Props to Belle ^^
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God's little Artist wrote:I like Nick, but to me he seems less modern. I imagine him like a 1950s Greaser. Maybe it's the accent.
Haha I liked that accent.. Don't really know why though but I did.

I liked Nick. He was pretty cool.. Not one of my favorite characters but I liked him.
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I realized earlier today I still was yet to post on this! Sorry, dear.
This is the first time I've seen you make a topic that wasn't in General. Good to see you do that. And you did an excellent job, with a nice style to it, specifically referring to a lot of adventures and incidences. By the way, I and my sibs love the Erica moment as well. "Take a deep breath... UH-uhhhh-CHOKE!"
Nick's uncertainty about God, indeed, that he never really becomes Christian (well, unless you count some Clubhouse writer putting a twist on a magazine story) is all very real, as you say. The truth is, I doubt God often. I suppose most do. Sometimes, I just assume God is real, and the very idea he isn't is laughable. Other times, the question of his existence seems very real and frightening. Perhaps that's part of the reason Nick never really seemed to go with Christianity. He's a "macho" guy. He doesn't care to be intimidated. Possibly, the admittance of omnipotence lacks appeal to him means admitting he's uncomfortable with the idea of no omnipotence. And with that comes the admittance of fear, dependance, and other un-cool, un-macho things. ;)
Of course, there are a huge variety of things that hold us back from God. To some, the idea of God truly seems illogical. They really think the evidence to be against it. Frankly, I'd be more disinclined to believe in God if I didn't consider there to be an abundance of scientific evidence... and, more importantly, logic... to support the idea. I'm not sure I'd be Christian if to me, instead, it appeared to contradict reason.
In any case, I also sympathize with Nick in other ways... I know you can guess how. ;)
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Nick is truly one of my favorite characters. Unlike many of the main kid/teen characters on Odyssey, he's rebellious and sarcastic, and is completely unsure about just about everything. I love him for this, and though I believe he should be used sparingly, I enjoy his role in every episode he's in, particularly Twisting Pathway and All Things To All People. (His chemistry with Aubrey is great; I wish they had been in more episodes together) Come back, Chris Castile!
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Suzy, I commented on your Nick page. You have to comment on my What Does AIO Mean to You? page! NOW!
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Praise the Lord, finally some Nick-fans! I enjoyed your inputs on this topic, Mr. Thinker, Pound Foolish. Very interesting, and I agreed whole-heartedly. Like Mr. Thinker said, yes...bring back Chris Castile! Imagine...him and Jay togthe- okay, maybe not. Anyhow, Nick is a wonderful character, indeed.
Also, Pound Foolish, you'll be pleased to know I posted on your topic as well, sorry about the delay. I'm finally on a real computer aside from that ridiculous iPod, thank heavens!
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Ah yes, your rotten computer. Sometimes I wonder how old that thing is. (Or is it just troublemsome?)
In any case, if I said I didn't like Nick, after you finally went to the trouble to make an AIO topic, you'd kill- um I mean pat me.
But yes, in all seriousness, I am a Nick fan, as you know.
"Arkan" just commented, reading over my shoulder, it's neat I and Mr. Thinker agree on something. We're, according to him, "both goofballs who like a goofball."
In any case, another thing I like about Nick (this will sound very odd...") Is that he never becomes Christian. This makes him unique, and real to life. It seems main characters in Odyssey are obligated to kick and scream and then shrug and turn into an adamant Christian, loving God with all their heart forever.
(Connie, Kelly, June, Eugene, Katrina...)
This just isn't how it works in real life. I'm not complaining about it. But it does fascinate one to see Nick come into a Christian show, become a huge character... and then leave without accepting Christ. And then we realize he became our friend all the same.
That's different.
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I am 100% for Nick Mulligan returning to the show :). A great character that could have been so much more.
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i really enjoyed nick! i was so sad when he didn't reappear. the commaraderie between him and lisa was awesome!
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Man... Nick. There was a unique character. I totally agree with PF on this one. It was really interesting to have a main character that didn't immediately turn to Christ right after he was immersed in a culture where nearly everyone else was a Christian. That's more often then not how it happens with real people, although it would have been nice to have him stick around longer to develop what he really did believe, and how he got to the point he was. Sure, the show has to keep moving, and dropping old characters is part of that, but I can't help but wish we had more before he mysteriously dropped off the face of the planet...
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I loved Nick as a character.
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I am going to echo what the people before me have said and say that I loved Nick's character. I always loved the episodes with him. He was a strong older brother character, and we don't have many of those on AIO. Even though Nick never became a Christian on AIO (that we hear) his sense of humor and accent and personality was just endearing.
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echo OF and Aaron
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i like nick! :D
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I would love to have nick back, but frankly I don't see him fitting in with the new characters.
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