Odyssey Guilty Pleasures

Grab your AIO albums, and find a table! What makes your favorite episode the best? Have an episode you really dislike? This is the place to review and discuss AIO episodes and albums.
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Odyssey Guilty Pleasures


Pull those guilty pleasures out from your secret underground Power Boy Cave.

Snow Day
Whether this is really a guilty pleasure is debatable, it's a revered episode. Still, many consider it poor. Our own Jacob Isom wrote an article giving it the works. Even if you're a fan, you can see why. Everyone shamelessly overacts, the narration is unapologetically over the top, and the chase just goes on and on with no real sense of tension.
However... I like it because everyone shamelessly overacts, the narration is unapologetically over the top, and the chase just goes on and on.

The Power of One
I know. The it's overwritten, it's largely unfunny, it throws a joke at you with nearly every line. You want to grab Marshal Younger and shout, "You're trying too hard!" But I don't know. It's not one of my favorites or anything, but some of the jokes get me. The high energy, if forced, is entertaining and it's always lovely to hear from Harlow and Edwin.

Bethany's Flood
I enjoy this along with some other split episodes. Yes it's a complete mess. But through the mess comes a lot of heart and warmth. Plus, a few chuckles.

Happy Hunting
Yes, I like this one. And I can't explain why. I know many of the jokes are unfunny. I know Penny acts nothing like herself. I know it makes no sense how nobody is correcting her. I know Penny gets annoying. It's a terrible episode. And I have listened to it 21 times and I will listen to it again.

This was early on in Penny's Character and it was unclear just how silly Penny was. Kathy decided she was extremely, ridiculously, impossibly silly. And for this episode, she was. Run in boots? A keen idea. Thankfully, Penny was never this poorly written again.

Still, I hear the relaxing French music at the beginning and it gets me in a good mood. I love that Penny's falls into unhappiness when Jacques wants her to sell poor paintings. How perfect. She believes in art passionately and she can't sell something that to her isn't art. To her, it's like working at the Electric Palace, ripping people off. I thoroughly understood Penny's dilemma. This show has so few work related episodes for the girl's and it's nice to see a woman writer using Penny's passion as a plot device. Most importantly, the message is strong. It's so counter-cultural and relevant and well, one I need. If I feel like I just can't get satisfied and the sun will never shine again, it's okay. It doesn't mean something's wrong with me if I'm not always happy. I need t do what I need to do, but don't always expect to be emotionally rewarded for it. Happiness will eventually come.

So, what are your guilty aio pleasures? Talk it up, if you dare.
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I always found the scene in "Nova Rising" where Bernard is talking to the writing staff for B-TV hilarious in a bizarre way.

Many of the very early slice-of-life episodes strike me as stupid, yet still I enjoy most of them.
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"#033: The Day Independence Came." Despite that I have different views on the American War for Independence than most people do, I was actually quite impressed with this episode, from the music to the choice of characters and historical events. The only part I really didn't like was when Irwin Springer said that the United States is the greatest nation in the world. Being a Canadian, I'd say that was going a little too far.
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Fairy Tal-e Vision is a silly bit of creativity. Childish though very funny. And Jason and Connie's newscaster voices are a treat.
Does anyone else enjoy this episode?
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Pound Foolish
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I do! I understand why some hate it, it's even more corny that most of these sorts of episodes. But I'm fairy tale nerd and an aio nerd and very fond of that episode.
  • "Pound Foolish, I just adoreee arguing with you! Here, have an eyeball."
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Yes! I also occasionally listen to Called On In Class for similar reasons and because I am basically Trent DeWhite under pressure.
I love the way they captured Trent's emotions by using first person, difficult to do with Audio Dramas. To do this, the sound effects had to be absolutely percfect, and supporting characters's personalitys had to be exaggerated. Which they were. Not a deep episode yet still provoking because it was relatable.
I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us - Romans 8:18

It’s not enough to be against something. You have to be for something better. – Tony Stark
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