Rusty Gordon


Rusty Gordon is a member of the Bones of Wrath. His name seems to have changed, along with his voice, from Malone to Gordon. He is first and foremost a bully, but he took part in the Kid's Radio show "The Twilife Zone".



Rusty has no family that is known to ever appear in Odyssey, but from Our Father, it is known his father isn't around very much. Although this was before his name changed, his presumed second father doesn't seem to influence, or possibly, be able to influence, him in any better way.

As of
When Bad Isn't So Good, we learn that his father is a city worker.



Rusty is a minor character and has never played much of an important role in Adventures in Odyssey, except for one scene in the Blackgaard saga when he told Rodney Rathbone about Jellyfish's laptop computer, which had incriminating evidence on it. Most recently, in Tales of a Small-Town Thug, he wrote a book, titled "Tales of a Small-Town Thug", which makes fun of Odyssey and the people in it. He also created a blog that made even more fun of Odyssey and even released that Jason Whittaker was an international spy for the NSA after Jason anonymously called and told him so. However because of this he was brought in for questioning by the NSA and let go with a warning afterwards. It should be noted this is the last time Rusty or his blog are mentioned so it can be presumed that he might have shut down the blog or didn't lampoon Odyssey as much.




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