Animated Series #6: Once Upon an Avalanche
It's thrills, spills and ch-ch-chills when a lightning-speed,
branch-breaking toboggan ride lands Dylan, Jesse, and Carter at the
bottom of Avalanche Canyon. Will their cries for help cause a
thunderous snow slide of catastrophic proportions? Excitement is in
the air as Odyssey's Junior Woodscouts settle into Camp What-a-Nut
for their winter retreat. But when Jesse wanders over from the
girls' camp to give Dylan a fright, he's determined to teach her a
lesson she'll never forget. With the help of his new friend, Carter,
Dylan takes his little sister on a hair-raising toboggan ride that
plunges them right into Avalanche Canyon! While Eugene valiantly
attempts to rescue the trio, Dylan, Jesse and Carter begin a search
for civilization that brings them face-to-face with an angry bear,
the mysterious legend of Hatchet Jack and a heartwarming reminder of
the importance of kindness and brotherly love.
Features (DVD only) |
Bonus audio
Desktop Wallpaper
Based on the success of Focus on the
Family's award-winning McGee and Me! video series, the
Adventures in Odyssey video series was developed featuring the
same art style with a Classic Disney look. While the audio series is
primarily targeted for an audience of 8 to 12 year-olds, the video
series is geared for a younger audience.
Adventures in
Odyssey Club Access |
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