Your Testimony

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Cookie Dough
Cookie Dough
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Your Testimony


What's your testimony? This is my testimony as told by my mom.

After 7 years of marriage, I was overjoyed to tell my husband that I was finally expecting. Those tears of joy turned to fear and sorrow after one of my doctor visits. I knew that I had been very nauseated to a point of throwing up every few minutes. This constant sickness had caused a chemical imbalance within me, not to say what it may have done to my expected child. My doctor suggested to me that for my safety I should terminate the pregnancy or risk losing both the life of my child, as well as my own. As a Christian, I told him that, that was not even a consideration. I was told that he would no longer be able to help me because I was now considered a "high risk" pregnancy. My sickness continued to a point where I was hospitalized the first trimester, having lost considerable weight. Several IV's later, I was released, but no better. I was medicated to a point where I could keep down orange jello, (which to this day I cannot eat) and crushed ice. No other food would stay down. I maintained this day to day sickness and regimen of crushed ice and orange jello until the beginning of December 1991. I started having contractions and again was promptly admitted to the hospital. My sickness was so severe that I was in jeopardy of losing my life as well as the life of my baby. My blood pressure dropped down into the low 30's. After much prayer and an overlooking Savior, my contractions ceased and my life was spared. After a few nights observation, I was released to bedrest at home. Time went slowly. The big day came. I had a check-up scheduled for that day, and my husband decided to go with me to the appointment. We were both relieved to hear a good strong heartbeat. It was determined at this appointment that the baby had turned "Franklin Breech", head down. We were told that we should go walking for about an hour, then meet the doctor at the hospital. It was time for delivery.
Feeling somewhat upbeat and relieved by the news of a strong heartbeat, my husband and I went to the mall to walk. Then we checked into the hospital. After many hours of contractions, I was brought into the birthing room. Everything was running as expected. We knew that the baby was breech, but small enough for normal delivery without a C-section. We did not know, did not want to know the sex of the baby at this time. My husband standing at my side witnessed the miracle of life as our son's delivery took place. Then something terrible took place. The head was enlarged and would not deliver. There was an immediate forceps delivery and a 4th degree episiotomy administered. This child I carried was wisked away to neonatal ICU. I never got to touch him or hold this child I had carried. God, what this happening to our baby ???? Our questions were soon answered. There had been an emergency forceps delivivery. Brendon had quit breathing soon after delivery, probably as a symptom of hard labor. He was resuscitated and was now in neonatal ICU. His head was enlarged. He was diagnosed with cerebral hemorrages on both sides of his head. His APGAR score was a 1, a zero being stillborn. The life God had given to us was yet hanging in the balances and hands of our God. Over the next 32 days, Brendon made his home in NICU. We would go every opportunity to see him, to touch him. Saints from all over were on their knees praying that God would raise up this child. His condition improving and with an ability to receive 5 cc's of formula per feeding, he was released to go home.
After a period of 6 months of MRI's and CAT scans, it was determined that Brendon would need surgery to place a shunt in his head to relieve excess pressure on the brain. We were also told that he would be given "extra tubing" so it would be there as he grew. The shunt would need to be revised when he turned 3, and more tubing would be added at that time. Other checkups produced unfavorable results as well. We were told that Brendon was and would suffer delay in all his motor skills. In all, he would be a vegetable.
Today , Brendon is 20 years old and will be 21 on Jan. 31, 2013. He walks and talks and plays without any external aids. His speech is perfect, (perhaps too perfect at times). He reads well and writes normally. He never did receive his 3 year old revision of the shunt, and at last report, probably never will. His hearing is good, unless I call and he does not want to come in. I thank my God for Brendon. He is truly my miracle gift from Heaven.
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Caramel Crunch
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That's an amazing story! God still does miracles.
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Mint Chocolate Chip
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Thats an amazing story indeed! AMen!
"Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart, for I am called by your name, O Lord, God of hosts." - Jeremiah 15:16
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Wretched Sinner
Lemon Meringue
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Bren wrote: Today , Brendon is 20 years old and will be 21 on Jan. 31, 2013. He walks and talks and plays without any external aids. His speech is perfect, (perhaps too perfect at times). He reads well and writes normally. He never did receive his 3 year old revision of the shunt, and at last report, probably never will. His hearing is good, unless I call and he does not want to come in. I thank my God for Brendon. He is truly my miracle gift from Heaven.

HEY! My birthday's on Jan 31 too
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