AIO Actors in Other Things

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Rainbow Sherbet
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AIO Actors in Other Things


I'm watching an episode of psych, "In For a Penny...", when I heard a familiar voice.

That's right, making an appearance was Marc Evan Jackson, voice of David Parker.

I know we've mentioned seeing/hearing actors in other random threads, but I figured it was time to have a thread dedicated to the topic. :)
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Paul Herlinger was in a Creation Museum feature as the narrator.
Will Ryan is Owl in Winnie the Pooh.
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^ Yes I knew it. The star thing right. I was there and I'm like "Mom thats Whit!!"
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So I was scrolling through a list of The Love Boat guest stars, trying to find someone I know so I can watch an episode with them in it, when I saw Dave Madden on the list. So I watched the episode and, alas, the story he was in wasn't very good and he was barely in it. I didn't even watch the whole thing. It was somewhat cool though.
Last edited by Novatom on Tue Sep 22, 2015 8:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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I was watching an episode of Bewitched andDave Madden played a person in a department store.

Jess Harnell and Zach Callison each played characters on the movie Mr. Peabody and Shermon. Zach did King Tut, and Jess Harnell did Abe Lincoln, Issac Newton, a police officer, and Bill Clinton.(he might have also done Benjamin Franklin, but I'm not sure)
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Will Ryan and Hal Smith play, respectively, Frog and Toad in the claymation videos of the same name and also Morris and Bear in "Morris Has A Cold". Cory Burton plays The Man with The Yellow Hat in the claymation Curious George videos.
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Raspberry Ripple
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Jess Harnell plays Cedric on Sofia the First and Zach Callison used to play James on the same show.
17:39<Novatom>: I'm in another boat. A boat of people who don't know what everyone's talking about. A boat that is sinking.
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WHOA! How did I never NOT notice that?!?! *coughs* I mean...Not that I watch that show too often... Image
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Paul Herlinger's voice is in the Planetarium thing at the Creation Museum. :D

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Cory Burton is, like, 30% percent of the characters in Star Wars: Clone Wars. xD
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Raspberry Ripple
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Alan Young played the toy maker (I don't remember his name) in The Great Mouse Detective.
17:39<Novatom>: I'm in another boat. A boat of people who don't know what everyone's talking about. A boat that is sinking.
17:40<Sameriazx>: oh no... here we go again...
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This is somewhat of a forgotten cinematic milestone, and probably one of the most famous roles that an Odyssey actor has played: Alan Young played the character of James Filby in the 1960 masterpiece The Time Machine. (Which, by the way, I saw this summer, and only recognized him by his voice, as he looks incredibly different.)

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Marc Evan Jackson, voice of David Parker, is also a lawyer in Parks and Rec. (of which I am on season 7. :P)

ETA: While watching the Hunchback of Notre Dame, I was looking at the IMDb page, and found that the voice of Frollo (Tony Jay) is the evil villain the first AIO video - The Knight Travelers. :O
(He's also in Treasure Planet and Beauty and the Beast)
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what's her name that plays what's that character plays in that new what's it show.. yeah..

Gatlin Green, Priscilla Peterson. Now in Heroes Reborn.
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Well, that would explain why we've seen neither hide nor hair of Priscilla lately.

@Belle: I noticed that, too. Parks and Rec is amazing.

Lauren Schaffel and Corey Padnos, voices of Liz and Trent, respectively, were among the many voices of Lucy and Linus Van Pelt from Peanuts, which makes the prospect of Liz and Trent's relationship in the future being a vitriolic brother-sister thing so much more legitimate and entertaining for me.
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Allan Young plays Wilbur in the Mister Ed TV show
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While watching Avatar: The Last Airbender, I came across a slightly familiar voice. One of the characters was voiced by Lucille Bliss, who played Martha in "An Adventure in Bethany" and Principle Hughes in "Afraid, Not!" and "The Secret Keys of Discipline."
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Speaking of A:tLA, apparently Walker Edmiston voiced Fire Lord Azulon in "Zuko Alone", and Jessie Flower, voice of a young Jana in "Silent Night", played Toph Bei Fong.
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As long as we're on the topic of A:tLA, I'll add that if you watch the episode "Ember Island Players," you'll hear a familiar voice. Scott Menville, who plays Actor Sokka in the episode, also voices the character of PJ on AIO.

Also--and I know that this is a tiny bit of a stretch--I would consider Mae Whitman, the voice of Katara on A:tLA, to be kind of an AIO actor as well. Mae voiced the character of Winnie Whitefeather on FotF's radio drama "The Last Chance Detectives," which very clearly takes place within the same universe as AIO, since Jason Whittaker makes an appearance in the series.
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Mocha Jamocha
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Oh, and speaking of Scott Menville, he's also the voice of Robin from Teen Titans and the (inferior) spinoff, Teen Titans Go. Sort of makes it hard to take the Boy Wonder seriously when I think he's about to start talking about how his name stands for "prepare for jurisprudence!".
it's not about 'deserve'. it's about what you believe. and i believe in love
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