Ah, yes, the next episode in the Rydell Saga. Personally, with everything that has gone on with the Rydell Saga, I’m honestly feeling burned out. My investment in the story has greatly diminished. Every time a new episode in this storyline comes out in, I listen, but not as enthusiastically as I used to. But this episode was most interesting. My interest has been piqued a little, mostly because of what went on in this episode.
About time we had an apology to Emily about the escape room from Whit. This doesn’t make everything perfect; I definitely think that this should have come sooner. However, I’m glad that it was done, and I think this is a step in the right direction for this ongoing Rydell arc.
Carrie Daniels and Suzu mention some mathematician named Dameon Strafer (don't know how to spell it). I looked up this name and the Strafer method but did not find anything, so I assume that this was made up for the episode. However, math is not something I’m interested in, so maybe I didn’t search hard enough. The part where Nicole mentions Suzu being in juvenile detention was interesting. I’m wondering where she heard that and if it is true.
The part with Suzu’s outburst at Emily was interesting. Although the episode’s theme according to the Official Site is conflict, I found it noteworthy how the theme of friendship plays a role in it. Suzu feels lonely and as a result is willing to associate herself with Nicole and Carrie. She thinks that she is on friendly terms with Carrie, but she and Nicole are only trying to put Suzu down. Emily’s act of standing up for Suzu and standing by her goes a long way. Emily doesn’t think the little thing she did meant anything, but it actually ends up meaning a lot for Suzu. Suzu has found someone with a sense of morality who showed care towards her when being wronged. For Emily, she was merely bringing about justice when she called out Carrie’s trick. For Suzu, that simple act meant a lot. Whit says, “Often it’s the people we would least expect that are lonely.” It honestly hit me hard in more ways than one in terms of my own personal life. It goes to show how one’s actions can make all the difference.
Emily seems to be on the road to forming a friendship and showing love to Suzu. Again, it’s not perfect, but I think this is a step in the right direction.
My question is why Carrie and Nicole even set this whole mystery up. Why did they frame Suzu? What was their motive? It seems as though Carrie and Nicole wanted to knock Suzu off the first in class. This was deeper than a joke, I’m pretty sure.
But I think that what’s making me dissatisfied is that we never had any introduction to these characters, since this was their first appearance. Who are these girls? Have they been in Odyssey all this time, or are they new? I would be interested if Carrie and Nicole appeared again in future episodes, and we heard about some of their intentions and their backstories, because I think that their characters deserve full introductions.
Overall, I honestly don’t know what to think, even though I’ve heard this episode quite a few times. I think it was pretty good. For now, I’ll just say that I’m interested in seeing what the next of the Rydell episodes hold!