Blitz wrote:What are your thoughts on Darthvader? And why do you love Star Wars so much. And why do you like Greek stuff so much?
Darth Vader...hmm... As a character, he is very interesting and complex. I mean, first he's a slave kid, then he's Jedi Poster Boy of the Year, then he's trying to hide his wife, then he's trying to kill her, then he's trying to kill Ben, then he burns into a cinder and becomes a cyborg, then he blows up a planet, then he kills Ben, then he tries to freeze-dry his son, then he delivers him up to the Emperor...this guy has serious emotional issues. So in a word, I find him fascinating. Having never watched episodes 1, 2, & 3, I don't know much about his younger days, but I'd say he's got to be one of my favorite villains in all of movie history. Yeah, he's evil...but he repents in the end. And that's what counts.

I love Star Wars's.....Star Wars. It carries a certain nostalgic feeling that I can't find with anything else. When I watch the movies, I'm not just watching another world. I'm
living in another world. The characters are so real, the story so real...I can't describe it better than that.

As for the Greek stuff...I'm stumped on this one. I really don't know why I like it. It could be the intricacies of the mythology—the various gods and goddesses, their children, their deaths—but one theory I have is that I like it because it's a reflection of real life. It's like...the pagan version of Narnia! And yet...not quite so pagan as it first appears.
Pound Foolish wrote:I chortled at this, and couple other parts of your intro. You are quite witty, my dear sir. Oh, and don't you mean, What's Wrong, Hosted by Helios? Now then...
Are you evil?
Are you insane? (Saying you aren't insane is proof you are. Insane people rarely realize their condition.)
What are some of your favorite books? If I've already asked you that, humor me. It's my favorite question.
If you could read a book about anything, what would it be about?
What is your family like?
Are you an angel? *pat*
Why thank you, my dear ma'am.

No, no, I meant what I said. I knew you were going to point that out, though (how does it feel to know I can read your mind, hmm?) Just kidding.

I'll admit, I lay awake for a couple of nights choking on laughter because the name is so funny.
So yes anyway.
Evil...hmm...I have been called evil by various people (one the boy who's shoes I continually stepped on the backs of in the hall) But I think you must define evil for me to know exactly what you mean.
Insane....why yes! I'm quite insane. Unbelievably insane. I do believe you'd almost say I suffer from a severe case of pandemonium-related disorders because of my insistent forages into the fabric of the space-time continuum.
In a nutshell......I'm a psycho.
I love The Sword of Shannara, the LOTR trilogy, any LOTR lore books, Chronicles of Narnia, Shadow Children, The Missing, The Scarlet Pimpernel, Archives of Anthropos, Quest for Truth, Viking Quest, Percy Jackson, Lady Grace Mysteries, Hardy Boys...shall I go on?

I'd love to read a book about a girl who goes on wild, fantastical adventures in a sci-fi fantasy world with lots of cute guys, lots of mayhem, and lots of drama. Oh yes, and lots of bad guys getting their guts spilled. I'm a rather violent person, you know.
My family... *meditative sigh* My family are my best friends and my worst enemies. They are part of me and I of them, and nothing can tear us apart (most of the time)

We all get along very nicely (most of the time) and I can't imagine living anywhere except with them. My home life is quite pleasant (most of the time). And of course, I get my inspiration from them. They are quite a Pack of wonderful individuals.
Now, now, why would you ask me if I'm evil and then turn around and ask if I'm an angel? Tsk tsk, Poundy, are you sure you aren't insane as well?

Don't deny it, ma'am, you know you are.

But in all seriously (yeah right), I'd say I'm not an angel. I'm a saint. *beams proudly*