December 6, 2014
Wooton Bassett proposes to Penny Wise in "The Ties That Bind, Part 14."


Cover illustration for "All By Myself",
airing December 2014 at the Odyssey
Adventure Club. "All By Myself" serves
as OAC's first season finale.


November 2014
Still going strong, The Imagination Station book series' 15th title is released: Surprise at Yorktown.

October 2014
Candid Conversations with Connie: A Girl's Guide to Growing Up released.


Cover for November 2014 edition
of Adventures in Odyssey Clubhouse,
featuring the return of Buck Oliver,
a fan favorite since The Green Ring
. The character of Buck returned
due to overwhelming listener feedback.
Actor Robby Bruce, voice of Buck, is
featured in the magazine's cover story.


September 6, 2014
"The Ties That Bind, Part 1" officially airs on radio stations, marking AIO's longest multi-part episode to date.


September 2014
58th album released for digital download: The Ties That Bind, with hard copy to to follow in October.


Album 58 serves as a tie-in to Focus
on the Family's The Family Project.


August 2014
Wooton's Whirled History: A Mix of Melody Makers is released.


July 2, 2014
58th album released early for Odyssey Adventure Club members: The Ties That Bind, with digital download and hard copy to to follow in September and October.


June 2014
Wooton's Whirled History: A Blend of Bravery is released.

April 2014
The Harley Collection is released exclusively via the Odyssey Adventure Club for the first time ever, featuring unreleased episodes with Officer David Harley from AIO's early days.


The April 2014 edition of
Adventures in Odyssey Clubhouse
showcases contest winners
Marissa and Wesley's trip to
Costa Rica. (A.C.T.S. A Call
to Serve
contest, 2013)


March 2014
90 Devotions for Kids in Matthew released.

January 16, 2014
Dave Madden, voice of Bernard Walton, passes away.



Artist Gary Locke's illustrations for
"The Launch", part of the OAC
experience. Each OAC season episode
features unique cover artwork.

Focus on the Family's award-winning magazine is re-branded as Adventures in Odyssey Clubhouse for the first edition in January 2014.

Odyssey Adventure Club members receive a complimentary subscription as a club benefit.

The Odyssey Adventure Club contains every single album of Adventures in Odyssey, including bonus albums, exclusive episodes airing on a monthly basis, videos, and activities. A percentage of each member's subscription goes towards the support of other ministries. An iOS app is also available for listening on the go.

January 2, 2014
The Odyssey Adventure Club launches, providing streaming access to the entire Adventures in Odyssey series, plus exclusive monthly episodes and more. The club's first episode of Season 1, "The Launch", airs.


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