Arched logo abandoned and reverted
back to horizontal logo (tweaked from 1991 version), beginning with
A Time of Discovery. This version of the logo contained more
vibrant colors and "Audio Series" text (albums 18-44).
Several albums were released with
yellow "Adventures in" text, but later reverted back to red.
Used 1994-2005.
8, 1994 Eugene meets his future wife,
Katrina Shanks Meltsner, in "Truth, Trivia, and
28, 1994 Hal Smith, voice of John
Avery Whittaker (1987-1994), passes away. The search
for a new voice for Whit begins.
Illustration of Jack Allen, as
appeared in Clubhouse magazine.
September 3, 1994
"Gone..." airs. Whit leaves Odyssey. Jack
Allen comes to town and co-runs Whit's End during
his absence.
November 5,
1994 Tom Riley elected mayor of
Odyssey in "Tom for Mayor."
label for Adventures in Odyssey used primarily in 1990's
beginning with The Changing Times, last appearance in
Signed, Sealed and Committed.
26, 1994 Jason Whittaker moves to
Odyssey. ("A Name, Not a Number")
December 24,
1994 "Unto Us a Child Is Born" airs.
Stewart Reed Barclay is born.