Archive For The “Characters” Category

“Greetings and salutations!” has been heard all over the world by Adventures in Odyssey listeners, the familiar and unique way in which Eugene Meltsner introduces himself throughout the series. For over 33 years, countless people have experienced the many adventures of Eugene Meltsner, his quirky way of communicating that often confuses his audience, and the […]

During a time when local business owners are anxious to reopen for their customers, local businessman John Avery Whittaker is hesitantly optimistic. Having closed down Whit’s End when restaurant shutdowns were ordered due to the COVID-19 pandemic in March of this year, John Whittaker is excited to see his loyal customers again—albeit in a carefully […]

We really have outdone ourselves this time. Over the past few months, we hinted around that we were working on something exciting for The Odyssey Scoop. Today we’re proud to release what we’ve been working on for so long. One of our most ignored features—until now—has been given a new look and complete overhaul. Get […]