Retail Poll:

Hypothetically speaking, if AIO became so popular in the future that albums, books, videos, etc., could be sold in well-known stores, which store would you prefer to see AIO sold at the MOST? [821 votes total]
Wal-Mart (532) 65%
Target (196) 24%
Best Buy (36) 4%
Kmart (12) 1%
Other (45) 5%

Voter Comments

I chose "other" as I'd still like to buy them from my local Christian book store.

I picked Walmart because it's everywhere. But if I could have voted twice, I would have picked Target too because it's also a popular place.

Ellen F.
Well... I wanted to pick Target, because it's my favorite of the stores listed, but ended up clicking on good ole' Wal-Mart. They're everywhere, and tend to cost a little less.
But I still love my Tar-jhay!

Peachey Keen
If AIO was at Walmart,that would be sooo cool!

I picked Wal-Mart because i absolutely love Wal-Mart when i'm really board!If i would have 2 choices i woud have picked Target too!

Bill Pagan
If I had to chose one, it would probably be Wal-Mart only because they seem to be reasonable on their prices. However, Wal-Mart has a habit of becoming too controversial in the ethics department. AIO must be careful not to conform to the Worlds needs just to make AIO more popular. John 15:19(KJV). Believe it or not I am new to AIO, my kids love it and my wife and I do to. Thank you so much for your ministry. Faithful to ALL HIS Works.

it is sold online at wallmart and target. but in small quanitys.At target i got the offical guide.

Come on! That is not cool! Please tell me they're serious about this are they?
They're ruinnng AIO for everyone!
I just hate this! No ofense to the new Whit.

I thougt everyone would say Wal-Mart, 61% Hmm.

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