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Re: What's Wrong With Helios (like I had to ask) & Q&A (oh j

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 3:49 pm
by Blitz
*Chokes down vomit* Sai is way to feminine. You do know he marries Ino?

Levi is cool! He's like one of the most popular anime characters right now.

I feel the darkness....

Anyway, do you think you'll ever do a blog?
How long is your hair?
How would you kill someone?

Re: What's Wrong With Helios (like I had to ask) & Q&A (oh j

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 2:09 am
by Helios
Metal15 wrote:Coffee or Tea?
Netflix and chill, or video game and rage?
You drive? Cars?
Ice cream or candy?
Video game and rage. :twisted:
No. Tanks. \:D/ Twelve-seaters, actually. It's just about the same as a tank.
Ice cream.
Blitz wrote:*Chokes down vomit* Sai is way to feminine. You do know he marries Ino?

Levi is cool! He's like one of the most popular anime characters right now.

I feel the darkness....

Anyway, do you think you'll ever do a blog?
How long is your hair?
How would you kill someone?
He is NOT way too feminine! He is beautiful! And hot! And swoon-worthy! *swoons* And he and Ino created the most adorable child ever, even more so than Boruto or Himiwari! Besides, you asked who I thought was hot, and it's Sai. LIVE WITH IT. :twisted:

I hope Levi dies. :twisted: I hope Armin dies. And Mikasa. :D I mean, Eren gets eaten in the first episode. Why not kill off all the good characters? :twisted:

Yessssss....the darknessss.... :mrgreen:

Maybe. I like the blogspot format the best, but WordPress is good, too. And I have a Tumblr, which is, for the moment, satisfying all my needs for exposing my world to the public.

It's about shoulder-blade length. Longer if I straighten it.

Depends on the weapons I have on hand. If all I've got are my hands, then strangulation it is. Maybe a garotte if I can find one. Other options: beating in their head with either my feet or a heavy object, stabbing them with something sharp, or throwing them out a window if we're on a tall building. And of course, there's always the guns. :D But knives are more fun. :twisted:

Re: What's Wrong With Helios (like I had to ask) & Q&A (oh j

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 6:11 am
by Blitz
*Shrugs* I haven't done much about boruto. If I do read or watch it, it'll be later. Meh, I need to finish Naruto...

Eren doesn't die.... Okay, yeah you won't fit well with AOT. You must love Levi to be an AOT fan.

*Shudders and crawls away*

Monster is the perfect song for you.

Re: What's Wrong With Helios (like I had to ask) & Q&A (oh j

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 9:13 pm
by Jo March
Are you in the military, Helios? (I got that from your last post. If that was a joke, then forgive me. If it was not, thank you for serving.)
Would you rather write a poem or bake a cake?
Get a dog or hold a snake? (Hey I just realized that rhymed teehee)
Read Little Women or War and Peace?

Re: What's Wrong With Helios (like I had to ask) & Q&A (oh j

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 7:02 pm
by Didi
What's the most intense or O.o adult book you've read (if you've ever read an adult book)?
Do you have a favorite book series?
What's your favorite band? (I'm not sure if this has been asked already)
Is there a story behind the name Helios?

Re: What's Wrong With Helios (like I had to ask) & Q&A (oh j

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 7:57 pm
by Jo March
Oooohh good questions Didi!

Re: What's Wrong With Helios (like I had to ask) & Q&A (oh j

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 1:12 am
by Helios
Blitz wrote:*Shrugs* I haven't done much about boruto. If I do read or watch it, it'll be later. Meh, I need to finish Naruto...

Eren doesn't die.... Okay, yeah you won't fit well with AOT. You must love Levi to be an AOT fan.

*Shudders and crawls away*

Monster is the perfect song for you.
He gets eaten. That's good enough. :twisted: I will say that the live-action version is AWESOME. :D

I'm pretty repulsive, aren't I? :twisted:

I know, right? Monster is just so me! \:D/
AuntKate wrote:Are you in the military, Helios? (I got that from your last post. If that was a joke, then forgive me. If it was not, thank you for serving.)
Would you rather write a poem or bake a cake?
Get a dog or hold a snake? (Hey I just realized that rhymed teehee)
Read Little Women or War and Peace?
No, unfortunately, I'm not in the military. :( I am, however, somewhat...inundated with information about the military, because of my environment and the company I keep.

Could I write a poem about cake? I love cake. ;) But I'd rather write the poem. Food for the soul before food for the flesh.

Get a dog. More meat to eat when the apocalypse hits. :twisted:

Little Women! War and Peace is waaaaaaaaaay too much, even for me. ;)
Didi wrote:What's the most intense or O.o adult book you've read (if you've ever read an adult book)?
Do you have a favorite book series?
What's your favorite band? (I'm not sure if this has been asked already)
Is there a story behind the name Helios?
Probably After by Amy Efaw. It has....bad words! O.o

I love lots of series, but a favorite? That's hard. ;) I guess...the Spectrum Chronicles by Thomas White. The sci-fi in them is so beautiful. :D

Imagine Dragons! No, wait, Starset! Um....Evanescence? Linkin Park! Definitely Linkin Park! :D It's so much easier to run...

Yes, indidi, there is a story behind my name. In another place and time, I was known as Phaeton, which is a word stemming from Phaethon, the son of the Greek sun-god. That god's name? Helios. ;) When I came here, I opted to use the name of the father rather than that of the son. ;) Also, I'm big on sun, even tho I burn like a vampire when exposed to it. ;)

Re: What's Wrong With Helios (like I had to ask) & Q&A (oh j

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 2:32 am
Helios wrote:
Blitz wrote:
Imagine Dragons! No, wait, Starset! Um....Evanescence? Linkin Park! Definitely Linkin Park! :D It's so much easier to run...
Do you run? :D
Have you ever listened to Aurora's music?
Would you want to serve in the Military?
Honestly, what are things people do that bother you? (I'm sorry if this question is too personal)

Re: What's Wrong With Helios (like I had to ask) & Q&A (oh j

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 1:38 pm
by Blitz
You and I are creepily a like in music tastes. But when is starset going to release a new album darn it....
Favorite Youtube channel?
Do you play Clash Royale?
Favorite commercial?

Re: What's Wrong With Helios (like I had to ask) & Q&A (oh j

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 9:00 pm
by Helios
GJFH wrote:
Helios wrote:
Blitz wrote:
Imagine Dragons! No, wait, Starset! Um....Evanescence? Linkin Park! Definitely Linkin Park! :D It's so much easier to run...
Do you run? :D
Have you ever listened to Aurora's music?
Would you want to serve in the Military?
Honestly, what are things people do that bother you? (I'm sorry if this question is too personal)
Not much. In circles, mainly. Small circles. :D
Yeah, I would like to. Not much chance of that at the moment, unfortunately.
Well, they ask me personal questions. :D LOL Um, sniffling a lot, being slug-like, slurping, not paying attention to their surroundings, taking too long to pick me up from stuff, BREAKING THE E KEY ON MY KEYBOARD! :mad: It's so hard to type without one of the most common letters in the English alphabet! :(
Blitz wrote:You and I are creepily a like in music tastes. But when is starset going to release a new album darn it....
Favorite Youtube channel?
Do you play Clash Royale?
Favorite commercial?
I know, right? It's been like two years! Get going, Starset! \:D/ Ah well, if we had to be creepy in anything, music tastes are fairly tame. ;)
Uhh....CinemaSins. Or Warrior from Heaven. ;)
Nah. I do play Plants vs Zombies. \:D/
It's this older one from a few years back, advertising chocolate. I forget the brand. Anyway, the tagline was something like "food of the gods", and there was this nature-goddess lady eating it, and it looks soooo good. :D

Re: What's Wrong With Helios (like I had to ask) & Q&A (oh j

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 1:29 pm
by SirWhit
Paper or plastic?

Re: What's Wrong With Helios (like I had to ask) & Q&A (oh j

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 6:58 pm
by Helios
Paper. I like the crinkly sounds. :D

Re: What's Wrong With Helios (like I had to ask) & Q&A (oh j

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 11:43 pm
Do you ever wear hats?
What sort of hats?
How often do you wear socks?
Do you prefer wearing zippered sweaters or pull-overs? :D

Re: What's Wrong With Helios (like I had to ask) & Q&A (oh j

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 1:13 am
by Helios
Rarely. So very rarely!
I have a hat that basically turns my head into a giant, fuzzy gray beehive. It's wonderfully warm and snuggly, but again...the beehive. :roll:
The only time I'm not wearing socks are when I'm bathing. So pretty all the time. I have cold feet. (Also I have Robin and Wonder Woman socks. WITH CAPES. How could I NOT wear them all the time? :D )
Pull-overs. They're more snuggly. Also, the one bad accident where I got hit in the face with ALL THE ZIPPERS! :twisted:

Re: What's Wrong With Helios (like I had to ask) & Q&A (oh j

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 2:01 pm
Helios wrote:Also, the one bad accident where I got hit in the face with ALL THE ZIPPERS! :twisted:
Goodness! Did it leave a mark? O.o
Do you ever wear a long sleeved shirt or jacket with shorts?
Have you ever cosplayed?
Would you want to?
Do you ever wear sweats in public?
What sort of school did you attend?

Re: What's Wrong With Helios (like I had to ask) & Q&A (oh j

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 10:42 pm
by Helios
No permanent marks. But my pride took a hit. ;)

Yeah, sometimes I wear like, basket ball shorts and over-sized sweaters. It's really comfy and warm.

Not yet, but I would LOVE to cosplay. (I just don't have anywhere to do it) There's so many people I would love to dress up as. :D I could do a really good Cheshire from Young Justice. \:D/

Sweats, like sweatpants and stuff? I've only got one pair, but yeah, I've worn it in public. Pretty much the only stuff I won't wear in public are my pajama pants and my nightshirts. Oh, and of course, my underwear. :roll:

I was homeschooled. Am homeschooled? Eh, more like, lounge-schooled. Because I lounge around a lot and never get anything done. :D

Re: What's Wrong With Helios (like I had to ask) & Q&A (oh j

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 4:45 pm
What is your favourite Holiday? You knew it was coming. :)
Do you watch sports?
Do you play basketball?
Have you ever stolen a sweatshirt from a friend? 8)

Re: What's Wrong With Helios (like I had to ask) & Q&A (oh j

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 4:49 pm
by Blitz
Did you know Starset released a new song?
What band do you most want to own?
What company do you want to own?
Honest opinion of me?

Re: What's Wrong With Helios (like I had to ask) & Q&A (oh j

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 11:13 pm
by Helios
GJFH wrote:What is your favourite Holiday? You knew it was coming. :)
Do you watch sports?
Do you play basketball?
Have you ever stolen a sweatshirt from a friend? 8)
Christmas. I know, it's cliche, but I LOVE IT! I love decorating, I love eating, I love presents (BUYING is so much better when you have the money for it), and I LOVE LOVE LOVE Christmas songs! :D Also, longest holiday out of the year. ;) That's always a plus.

I actually really like bowling and pool. I don't watch often, but if I have to watch, I prefer those.

No...and I come from North Carolina! :D I'm not much for sports, I spent too much reading as a kid that I never got the fever for competitive sports. I do like MMA. ;)

I have no friends from which to steal, sadly, so no. :( But if you've got anything in my size... ;)
Blitz wrote:Did you know Starset released a new song?
What band do you most want to own?
What company do you want to own?
Honest opinion of me?
YESSSSSSSSS!!! I had a mini-freak-out over it this morning. \:D/

Evanescence. ;)

Wayne Enterprises, duh. LOL Um, I guess...Warner Brothers. Then I can make all the Batman movies to satisfy my heart. :twisted: Potter/Cruise for the win! \:D/

Dangerous. Approach with caution and possibly hazmat suits. ;) Hmm, you are determined, intelligent, resourceful, thoughtful, humorous. Not much at grammar, but I chock that up to you speaking more than one language. Your heart is in the right place, but sometimes it comes across as cold or thick-headed. Communication skills could use some work. On the whole, a good friend. Not perfect, but then again, I like you just the way you are. ;)

Re: What's Wrong With Helios (like I had to ask) & Q&A (oh j

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 5:17 am
by Blitz
True, true, Hey, I just don't care about grammar. I'll have you know I have an A average in Abeka grammar. ;) Hmm, determined... Depends.

I want a full album.
Honest opinion of yourself?
Most dangerous situation you've ever found yourself in?
Why have I still not gotten another chapter to edit yet?