
What's your favorite color? What's your most embarrassing memory? From the usual questions, to the bizarre, here is where you can ask any question of others, so grab a chair and chat!
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Fudge Marble
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This is embarrassing, let me just say whoever I marry gets to help choose and if he doesn't like these as he probably won't because I have odd name choices I'd be happy to let him change it.
That said: Esperanza (because it means hope) and Naomi (because it is from one of my favourite books and also the bible)
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Bethany Shepard
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Curly hair or straight hair?
Spicy or mild?
Leather or denim?
"I am not a demon. I am a lizard, a shark, a heat-seeking panther.
I want to be Bob Denver on acid playing the accordion."
-Nicolas Cage
Peach Cobbler
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Those are great names! Isn't Esperanza from the Hunchback? :?

(hard question!) What do you think the purpose of the Bible is?

(easier question!) What hair color would you like to have, other than the one you have now?
xo eht haiasi-
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What is your dream guy?

Who is your role model?

What is your favorite bible verse?
"Sometimes the best book has the dustiest jacket, and sometimes the best tea cup is chipped."
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Fudge Marble
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@Beth: Curly, mild, and denim (save the cows! :P)

@OxR I have a B.A. in English literature and I am very literary minded so I would have to say that to me the Bible is one big story depicting the relationship between God and the people he created. I think we often think about it as theology and that it's purpose is to tell you exactly what to believe and how to live. However, the bible is not a simple list of laws and rules although things like that do show up from time to time, but you cannot simply read The Bible and be one hundred percent sure about everything. It is complex and needs interpretation and is mostly a book of stories. Story is a powerful tool though because it brings vague theoretical concepts to life by showing how other humans lived before us. I think it's primary purpose is to show us who God is and how we should live, but I think when talking about the Bible we need to talk about how it is a story. I don't know if any of that makes sense or answers your question but I tried! :P
I would like red hair so I could be like my literary hero Annne of Green Gables!

@Batgirl my dream guy is a human being :P Ok now I am partly making fun of how you worded that question (sorry), but I am also partly making an important point. I could easily give you a list of characteristics I'd like to see in my future husband if I ever do get married (like empathetic, caring, a good listener, loves God, kind, and a deep thinker that I can have serious conversations with), but I think the most important thing to remember is that whoever he is he will make mistakes and my deepest hope is that we will be able to forgive each other and always work towards building a stronger bond come whatever may in our lives.

My role model is my mom, she's amazing, and my favourite Bible verse is John 16:33 "I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world."
Peach Cobbler
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Woooooooooooowwwwww that whole post was deep. *applauds Ragtag and her amazingness*

I have begun to realized that the Bible is about God...and how He uses people, nature, etc., to complete His will. I like how you phrased it, though. ;)

What is one of the easiest and hardest theological topic for you talk about/discuss/debate?

What is your favorite type of cheese? xD
xo eht haiasi-
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Fudge Marble
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What did you think it was about before? Gouda :)

Hmmmm End times is the hardest because I care about it the least and Salvation is the easiest because I care about it the most.
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Fudge Marble
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OxR you haven't been on chat as much lately :(
Peach Cobbler
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xD I haven't really thought about it that much. O.o But, as I've been studying the Bible with a book by John Walton, I've been learning... ;)

Yeah, I haven't. I'm trying to ignore the chat on Mon-Wend so I can can some work done...and go to bed early. ;)

If you could move anywhere, where would you go?

If you had a brazillion dollars, and could only give it to one charity, which one would it be?
xo eht haiasi-
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Bethany Shepard
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What's the best complement you've ever received?
"I am not a demon. I am a lizard, a shark, a heat-seeking panther.
I want to be Bob Denver on acid playing the accordion."
-Nicolas Cage
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Fudge Marble
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If I could move anywhere I would go back to my old town but only if I could get my license and a car so I could still easily visit family. If I had Brazillian dollars I'd give it to a Brazillian charity :P hahaha I kid I kid. Hmmmmm I don't know I have a friend who is really good at research and knows a lot about charity and so I'd ask him for advice.

Also Esperanza might be in the hunchback but I don't remember, I remember it from a book called "Esperanza Rising" I liked a lot as a kid. It's about immigrants or refugees or something. We read a lot of serious stories growing up.

Beth, any time someone says I make sense or any other indication they think I'm smart. I prefer to be called smart to beautiful :P
Peach Cobbler
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aragtaghooligan wrote: If I had Brazillian dollars I'd give it to a Brazillian charity :P
Bahaha! That was the best thing ever! xD I love the brazillion joke....
Person: "Did you hear? Two Brazilian people died yesterday? :("
Other Person: "That's awful!!! many is a brazillion?"

Would you rather have an unlimited supply of orange juice or ice cream? :P

Would you rather discover aliens or unicorns?

What is your favorite stage musical that has never been turned into a move? (recordings of the stage musical are allowed)
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aragtaghooligan wrote: Also Esperanza might be in the hunchback but I don't remember, I remember it from a book called "Esperanza Rising" I liked a lot as a kid. It's about immigrants or refugees or something. We read a lot of serious stories growing up.
Just inserting that I loved this book as a kid too!

How many trees would be in your ideal backyard?
~Queen Belle of Altanovia, Knight of Montreal & Order of Aristotle, Benevolent Dictator, Catspaw of the SS, & Dan's couch troll~
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Fudge Marble
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Orange juice, unicorns, and I don't know if I know of one :S Fail. I'm sorry.
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Bethany Shepard
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Would you rather hang out with guys in the living room or girls at the mall?
"I am not a demon. I am a lizard, a shark, a heat-seeking panther.
I want to be Bob Denver on acid playing the accordion."
-Nicolas Cage
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Fudge Marble
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Guys in the living room
Peach Cobbler
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aragtaghooligan wrote:I don't know if I know of one :S Fail. I'm sorry.
Don't be sorry. I'm a little obsessed with musicals (ask Beth, though, I don't like many of them :P), and I just wanted to see how many musicals you know. ;) You are awesome enough without having a musical connection. :D

Would you rather sit on a sofa or a rocking chair?

Would you rather have a job or a boyfriend? (if you didn't have either at the moment) :P

What type of person annoys you the most?
xo eht haiasi-
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Fudge Marble
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hmmmmmm sofa but there are good aspects of both. Job because I need that to live but if the question was job or husband willing to provide the necessities of life for me to be a stay at home mom then husband because interpersonal relations are more important than money. This is weird don't judge me but confidant people annoy me the most.
Peach Cobbler
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What is the coolest name you have ever heard?

Would you rather participate in a car wash or a bake sale?

Who is your favorite artist? (it can be modern or classical)
xo eht haiasi-
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Fudge Marble
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Esperanza :P or Xander
Car washes are fun!
Visual artist? Hmmm probably Monet.
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