Studio 36, With TigerShadow

What's your favorite color? What's your most embarrassing memory? From the usual questions, to the bizarre, here is where you can ask any question of others, so grab a chair and chat!
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Mocha Jamocha
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Welp, it's been a busy semester full of Tiger using that as an excuse to do anything but respond to posts in this thread. :P So here goes nothing.
Isaiah the Ox wrote:I knew you'd bring that up. ;) However, from my memory, the only ones posting waaay too much, were all at least in 16+ age range... who deserve a little more respect than someone younger.
Not from where we're standing. I don't remember every single case of someone spamming the Interview Booth (especially since a lot of that happened before the rule was created and therefore before we were logging it), but I do remember multiple occasions when younger members would do that, and at least one occasion after the rule had just been put in place, with a global thread announcing it, where users violated it.
No where, when researching spam, would "overposting (with proper posts)" be brought up. (I Googled it for a while)
Well, then, it looks like ours is used with a different nuance. :P
Isaiah the Ox wrote:Not all members of a forum realize that mods are required to read everything... and bringing this to attention to most people should help them realize this point. I mean, I think most of the people on this forum are very reasonable, and would understand. I get what you mean how a "specific number adds order", but there's also many reasons how that's not the best way of going about things. I mean, a mix of both ideas could be saying "slow down posts, because (blah blah), we recommend 7 posts as a good limit." But, you (SS team) chose how to handle it, so I digress.... And, come to think of it, you (SS team) did the same thing in "The Game Room", enacting a actual limit, rather than just a "don't post too much." However, in the Game Room case, there at least was a good and understandable reason. I don't mean to blaming anyone, I just feel this could have been handle a little bit better. ;)
And that's fine. I see where you're coming from. But I stand by my reasoning, and this is the way that we're going to run things for the foreseeable future.
Isaiah the Ox wrote:I actually... wasn't exactly joking. Sometimes the SS can seem a little strict...
In what way?
Isaiah the Ox wrote:Thoughts on this:
That it's probably been a complaint about that scene since the movie was released, and in general, characters SCREAMING THINGS AT THE TOP OF THEIR LUNGS VERY DRAMATICALLY was a huge problem with the fourth movie. It's one of the reasons why I consider it to be possibly the worst of all eight HP films.
Isaiah the Ox wrote:What do you think of Swan Lake? Oh, oops, I mean the Harry Potter score.
It depends on the movie. John Williams' scores were beautiful and encapsulated the atmosphere of the Wizarding world, and Nicholas Hooper's were very similar in that regard (but with more strings, because strings are cool). Patrick Doyle and Alexandre Desplat composed good scores, but I don't think that I really liked them as Harry Potter scores, although "The Quidditch World Cup", "Harry in Winter", "Courtyard Apocalypse", "Statues", and "A New Beginning" are all quite lovely.
Isaiah the Ox wrote:Do you have nervous, uncontrollable, or when-your-bored habits? Like, finger chewing, or anything else?
When I can't think of something else to do, I play with my hair. Always. I run my fingers through it, twist it around, put it across my face to create a mustache, pile it on top of my head, finger-comb it, toss it, jerk my head to flip it...I'm not sure if I've always done that sort of thing, or if it was an outgrowth of my teenage-onset vanity. :P
Miss Friendship wrote:Ox and I were trying to remember if your brother is older or younger than you?
He's older. He'll be 24 this August, and I'll turn 20 this September.
SirWhit wrote:What is your favorite color?
Wooton or Connie?
Manatees or Belugas?
Pink—typically in bolder shades, like magenta or fuschia, or something lighter like carnation pink. I'm not a fan of hot pink; it's a bit garish for my tastes.

Depends on the episode, but Connie more often than not.

Manatees. They're cuter, and VeggieTales has an entire Silly Song about one. :P
Miss Friendship wrote:Have you ever read this poem before? :P ... 218839.jpg
As a matter of fact, I have, although it should be noted that Blake's original spelled it "Tyger", not "Tiger".
Pound Foolish wrote:What's hardest for you to draw?
-shudders- Backgrounds. Mostly because of all the angles involved, having to consider object placement, and trying to think of things to toss in there to give it more life.
Pound Foolish wrote:Does God have gender?
I don't know, honestly. It's possible, given that He inspired the writings of the Bible and He is referred to by exclusively male pronouns, but Genesis states that He made both male and female humans in His image, and one wonders how He might have done that if He were explicitly male. I'd have to look into that.
Pound Foolish wrote:Any thoughts on the new mlp season so far?
I...haven't watched since almost the whole way through Season 5, to be honest. :anxious: I know what happens because I spoiled myself, though, and I'm not sure how much I'd like it, given how much I hate Starlight Glimmer.
Pound Foolish wrote:Favorite bird?
Pound Foolish wrote:Potato?
Baron von Odyssey wrote:What's your favorite television series?
As much as I love Gravity Falls, I gotta go with Parks and Rec. Love that show.
it's not about 'deserve'. it's about what you believe. and i believe in love
Pound Foolish
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Do you play video games?

Favorite historical period?

Which culture interests you the most?

Are there any good alternatives to capitalism? What do you think are capitalism's chief pros and cons?
“I absolutely demand of you and everyone I know that they be widely read in every [censored] field there is: in every religion and every art form and don’t tell me you haven’t got time! There’s plenty of time.”~ Ray Bradbury
Peach Cobbler
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What would convince you to join the Rhetoric Alliance? It's got some topics right now, and I would love to see you involved. ^_^ Especially after seeing you debate so well on the SS recently, now that school is over. ;) (not like you ever debated badly. o__0)
xo eht haiasi-
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Mocha Jamocha
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Pound Foolish wrote:Do you play video games?
Sure! E-rated ones, though. I really like the Sonic the Hedgehog and Sly Cooper series (although I'm not too fond of Thieves in Time), and I just recently finished replaying the LEGO Harry Potter games.
Pound Foolish wrote:Favorite historical period?
World War II, I think. I don't know exactly why, but I always enjoy learning new things about the era.
Pound Foolish wrote:Which culture interests you the most?
I'm not sure if I have one, honestly...I'm a bit provincial. :anxious: But I do find the parallels between American and British cultures to be pretty interesting.
Pound Foolish wrote:Are there any good alternatives to capitalism? What do you think are capitalism's chief pros and cons?
I'm not entirely sure I know of any. I waited so long to answer this because I wanted to do some research, but I never got around to doing it, being a lazy bump on a log and all. =P But I'd say on instinct that the pros are people being allowed to control what they buy and what is of value to them and prices being set to what the public actually wants; cons might be the ways in which corporate greed has been allowed to manifest itself in the system in the past (see the Gilded Age...pretty much in its entirety).
Isaiah the Ox wrote:What would convince you to join the Rhetoric Alliance? It's got some topics right now, and I would love to see you involved. ^_^ Especially after seeing you debate so well on the SS recently, now that school is over. ;) (not like you ever debated badly. o__0)
Not to worry, I'm not offended. ;) Although I'm in summer classes right now, so school's technically not over, just less rigorous.

As to the's the thing. As much as it doesn't seem like it, I joined this board because of Adventures in Odyssey. I'm working on some fanart for the show right now, incidentally, and I've got tons of theories and ideas that I want to share...which means that I'm also probably going to convert my currently-defunct old tumblr URL into an AIO sideblog to post it all, if I can ever stop being intimidated by Photoshop (and wouldn't you know it, not all of it is about Trent and Mandy! I'm starting to care about the show's mains now, wow!). I've dedicated a lot of time and effort to fixing up and adding to the AIO TV Tropes page, including the character sheet (although I lost the flash drive that had all my work on it recently...grrr), and I've gone back to editing AIOWiki, if only on a grammar-checking basis.

In other words, I'm here for AIO. Yes, obviously I participate in non-AIO debates and discussions when I really feel strongly about something, but if it wasn't for this board's greater focus on the show, I wouldn't be here—the reason why I left the ToO in the first place was because I was tired of all the debates and pop culture and the complete lack of focus on the reason why the board was created in the first place (although it also had a lot to do with all of the vitriol that was being spewed in debates at the time...some of which I'm ashamed to say I both contributed to and brought over with me, for which I sincerely apologize). It's just that it's easier for me to, say, go off on a tear about secular music than it is for me to organize all my thoughts on the Hogwarts AU I came up least, not without some art to show for it.

So all that said, I appreciate what y'all are doing over there, I really do, and I'm glad y'all have found a place where you can discuss more mature topics. I actually do have thoughts on one or two. But one or two isn't enough to make me join a board entirely devoted to debate. I do like discussions, but at the end of the day, I want to be doing things that I really love and am passionate about, and participating in this show's fandom is one of them. I appreciate the invitation, though. =)
it's not about 'deserve'. it's about what you believe. and i believe in love
Peach Cobbler
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I understand. But I'll still miss you. :cry:

How come you love history, yet know very little about Church history?
xo eht haiasi-
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Mocha Jamocha
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Isaiah the Ox wrote:I understand. But I'll still miss you. :cry:
I appreciate it. ^_^
Isaiah the Ox wrote:How come you love history, yet know very little about Church history?
I enjoy American history, usually as it relates to Constitutional law and people blowing stuff up. Church history just seems really boring to me, so I don't bother—again, I like learning about things that actually excite me. That's why I'm holding my tongue for Sola Scriptura—I believe in it, but it has nothing to do with church history and everything to do with my own personal beliefs and convictions, so I'm staying out of it.
it's not about 'deserve'. it's about what you believe. and i believe in love
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I agree with you there -- American history in particular WWII is very cool!
I will say, however, that there are some people in church history (though to be honest, I have only found a few) whose lives are really fascinating. Bonhoeffer, for one. He did try to blow something up (namely, Hitler). I really don't care much for dry bios of people who doubtless made great contributions to church history, or came up with profound theological concepts, but didn't do much else. :) Just my $0.02.
"Musical training is a more potent instrument than any other, for rhythm and harmony find their way into the inner places of the soul... making the soul of one who is rightly educated, graceful" -- Socrates
Butter Pecan
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TigerShadow wrote:I enjoy American history, usually as it relates to Constitutional law and people blowing stuff up.
*cheers* Yes yes yes yes yes! That's why we read American history! All those explosions! *grins maniacally* :D

Anyway. :P

Are you much interested in the biographies of Christian people from history? Like Corrie ten Boom, Amy Carmichael, Florence Nightingale?
Peach Cobbler
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So, do you think it matters what the early Church believed?
xo eht haiasi-
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Mocha Jamocha
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Isaiah the Ox wrote:So, do you think it matters what the early Church believed?
Probably. I just won't be researching it for the foreseeable future. I'm just trying to get back on my own two feet with my daily Bible reading and prayer time.
Helios wrote:
TigerShadow wrote:I enjoy American history, usually as it relates to Constitutional law and people blowing stuff up.
*cheers* Yes yes yes yes yes! That's why we read American history! All those explosions! *grins maniacally* :D
This lady gets it.
Helios wrote:Are you much interested in the biographies of Christian people from history? Like Corrie ten Boom, Amy Carmichael, Florence Nightingale?
Well, they do sound interesting, and I'm always here for fierce Christian women.
HomeschoolCowgirl wrote:I agree with you there -- American history in particular WWII is very cool!
I will say, however, that there are some people in church history (though to be honest, I have only found a few) whose lives are really fascinating. Bonhoeffer, for one. He did try to blow something up (namely, Hitler). I really don't care much for dry bios of people who doubtless made great contributions to church history, or came up with profound theological concepts, but didn't do much else. :) Just my $0.02.
If only he'd succeeded. Wouldn't "The Guy Who Blew Up Hitler" be just about the best epitaph in the world? other news, I may be significantly dialing back my participation in the Debate Hall for a while. I won't go into all the details, because this may be a snap decision made because I'm extremely emotionally stressed and also tired, but I'm beginning to wonder if maybe I haven't exuded a bit of toxicity there lately. I may need to take a break to get a more positive, humble, and Christ-centered view of other people.
it's not about 'deserve'. it's about what you believe. and i believe in love
Butter Pecan
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I have greatly enjoyed your debate with Pound Foolish in the secular music topic; I shall be sorry to see less of your work in the Debate Hall. :(

But yes, you are quite toxic. ;) You've infected me already.

So according to your location, are you in the sketchbook? :?
Last edited by Helios on Thu Jun 09, 2016 9:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Peach Cobbler
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Do you get PMs?

Do you like Animaniacs? Why? =0 The first few episodes are totally frightening. Were the writers on something? o__0
xo eht haiasi-
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Peanut Butter Cup
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Why did you choose studio 36?
Are there any fictional characters who have inspired you?
Are there any fictional characters you are attracted to
Would you rather meet Eugene or Connie?
Would you rather meet Jason or Whit?
I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us - Romans 8:18

It’s not enough to be against something. You have to be for something better. – Tony Stark
Butter Pecan
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Isaiah the Ox wrote:Do you get PMs?
I originally read this as PMS. O.o
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Banana Fudge
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Helios wrote:
Isaiah the Ox wrote:Do you get PMs?
I originally read this as PMS. O.o

How did you get into AIO?
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Mocha Jamocha
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Helios wrote:I have greatly enjoyed your debate with Pound Foolish in the secular music topic; I shall be sorry to see less of your work in the Debate Hall. :(

But yes, you are quite toxic. ;) You've infected me already.
It's not you; it's me. ;) Seriously, though—sometimes I wonder if I'm a little bit too aggressive when arguing. I may not actually pull back from debates, but I definitely need to work on my obsessive-compulsive need to be absolutely right about everything.
Helios wrote:So according to your location, are you in the sketchbook? :?
Wouldn't you like to know? ;)
Isaiah the Ox wrote:Do you get PMs?
I do, although I haven't gotten any lately. It's probably because no one's been Trandy trash with me since Smaug. :(
Isaiah the Ox wrote:Do you like Animaniacs? Why? =0 The first few episodes are totally frightening. Were the writers on something? o__0
Where do you think the fun comes from? ;) Animaniacs is clever and funny, and the songs are absurdly catchy (and even educational). I've liked that show for years.
GJFH wrote:Why did you choose studio 36?
It's a play on Studio 360, a radio show about the arts and culture, as well as the fact that my thread was the thirty-sixth of the Q&A threads.
GJFH wrote:Are there any fictional characters who have inspired you?
Harry Potter, for his courage and love for others and fierce determination in the face of difficult circumstances; Judy Hopps, for her refusal to give up and her ability to make a situation her own; Twilight Sparkle, for her studiousness and intelligence.
GJFH wrote:Are there any fictional characters you are attracted to
Harry Potter, Eugene Fitzherbert, and—hold on to your hats, now, this'll be a big shock to all of you—Trent DeWhite.
GJFH wrote:Would you rather meet Eugene or Connie?
Eugene, I think, for his vast wealth of knowledge.
GJFH wrote:Would you rather meet Jason or Whit?
Hmm...probably Whit. I think we'd have some interesting theological discussions.
SirWhit wrote:How did you get into AIO?
I grew up with it; my parents always had us listen to either AIO or Down Gilead Lane during car rides, and while DGL still has a special place in my heart, AIO is the one with the Novacom Saga. :P
it's not about 'deserve'. it's about what you believe. and i believe in love
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Peanut Butter Cup
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How do you normally spend your summer?
Do you prefer being uncomfortably warm or uncomfortably cool?
What is your favourite season?
I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us - Romans 8:18

It’s not enough to be against something. You have to be for something better. – Tony Stark
Peach Cobbler
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"have you ever been diagnosed as obsessive compulsive?" (-Nelson Swanson, GRC)
xo eht haiasi-
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Mocha Jamocha
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GJFH wrote:How do you normally spend your summer?
Normally, I exult in the fact that I don't have any work to do, and I draw things and veg out on the internet and play video games that I've played a hundred times already and walk around my neighborhood and listen to music while doing nothing at all. It's awesome. \:D/

(Unfortunately, I spent this summer doing schoolwork. I thought I left summer work behind in high school, dangit. Image )
GJFH wrote:Do you prefer being uncomfortably warm or uncomfortably cool?
Well, on the one hand, my hair holds up better when I'm uncomfortably cool, but on the other hand, the fashion is cuter when I'm uncomfortably warm.

Let's just say "neither" and go with "either way, I'm hilariously vain". ;)
GJFH wrote:What is your favourite season?
Summer! The colors are so bright and bold, it's warm, there's no school (most of the time), and the days are wonderfully long.
Isaiah the Ox wrote:"have you ever been diagnosed as obsessive compulsive?" (-Nelson Swanson, GRC)
No, but I have actually been told by a psychiatrist that I have traits of OCD. (I don't have the disorder because while I do get obsessive and uncontrollable thoughts, I don't use rituals of order to attempt to control them.) I do, however, have an anxiety disorder.
it's not about 'deserve'. it's about what you believe. and i believe in love
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Peanut Butter Cup
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Would you prefer spending the day at the beach or in the woods?
Do you enjoy amusement parks?
What is your favourite Summer food?
Do you enjoy taking road trips during the Summer?
I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us - Romans 8:18

It’s not enough to be against something. You have to be for something better. – Tony Stark
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