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Re: The Miscellaneous Works of Jo March

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 3:42 pm
by Jo March
Oh don't worry about it at all! And thank you. :)

Re: The Miscellaneous Works of Jo March

Posted: Mon May 28, 2018 7:19 pm
by Jo March
Here we go, finally!!!!!
Chapter 3
I sat up and stretched. The morning light was just beginning to peek through the curtains. I looked over at Jeff, who was still solidly asleep. I awkwardly swung my legs over the edge of the bed and slowly stood up. The weight of my unborn child made standing and walking difficult and slightly painful. I pulled my bathrobe from the hook and walked toward the bathroom, wrapping the robe around me and tying it as I walked. I debated about taking a shower and decided to wait for a while. I washed my face and applied some makeup, then went down to the kitchen to start breakfast. As I pulled eggs out of the fridge, a contraction pulled my stomach tight, knocking the wind out of me. I sat down on one of the bar stools and caught my breath before I continued with my cooking. However, as I stood up, my water broke.
Oh, my gosh! I thought as I grabbed some rag towels. I am about to become a mother. Lord, help!
I went upstairs to wake Jeff up, clinging to the banister the entire way up. He was sprawled entirely across the bed on his stomach, snoring loudly. I let the door close on its own, but that didn’t wake him up. I tried various different things to wake him, and finally turned the volume on the radio all the way up and turned it on.
“Oh drat, I’m late fo—” Jeff exclaimed, sitting up in panic, then he saw me bending over in the midst of a contraction. “Connie? Are you alright?”
I straightened and looked at him, barely stifling a laugh. His hair was sticking out on one side of his face, and he could not keep his eyes open.
“Jeff,” I told him, shaking my finger at him. “Can’t you tell when a woman is in labor?”
He just stared at me, then seemed to shake awake.
“What? What! WHAT?! Connie. Seriously?”
“Yes dear. Now go get the stuff in the car. I’m taking a shower.”
I grabbed some clothes and went to shower quickly. When I was ready, I walked down the hall to Jules’ room, going slowly, as the last contraction was really hard. She wasn’t in her room, so I went back downstairs. Jules was sitting on a bar stool and drinking a cup of coffee.
“What’s the matter?” She asked sluggishly. Jules is not a morning person.
“Ummm. You got free coffee coupons at Dunkin’ Donuts?”
“Jules. Kendall. Do I rea—” And then I had to stop, because a contraction caught me.
Jules took one look and then got me out to the car. Jeff came running out with our bags and we headed to the hospital.

Re: The Miscellaneous Works of Jo March

Posted: Mon May 28, 2018 7:29 pm
by PennyBassett

Re: The Miscellaneous Works of Jo March

Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 12:30 pm
by Jo March
LOL good! Haha hopefully my blog will contain some more...

Re: The Miscellaneous Works of Jo March

Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 9:39 pm
by Katie10
Please write more. I think you are doing really well! I sounds great and get the person's emotion and personality perfect.

Re: The Miscellaneous Works of Jo March

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 10:28 am
by Jo March
Wow! Thanks for the compliment! I'm working on Chapter 4 now. Hopefully it won't be too long before it is done!!!