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Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 8:50 am
by Samantha14
And now for a musical fangirl project.. that has no music yet. But I couldn't resist creating this Big Hero 6 song. Omg.

Move on.
Yeah, that's what people say.
To just forgive, live and let live,
and let the nightmares fade.
But I gotta say,
It's easy to play that game,
til you're the one throwing your heart away.

Words are empty voices,
filling up your head,
til it's all cards on the table.
Act now or you're dead.
Truth is I've been acting,
to cover up the pain.
Stupid love, why'd you do it?
Fate's not your fault to blame.

Someone's gotta be the hero.
Someone's gotta take a stand.
But baby, why must it be you?
Stupid risks, don't take the chance.
Wasn't fast enough to stop
your stupid heart.
Your sympathy, your empathy's,
got me falling apart.

I know, I sound so selfish.
Please, don't lecture me.
This is just a shade of black and grey
I never wanted you to see.
Truth be told, I hope you know,
How proud I am of you.
I wouldn't have been able to do it, you know.
You always had such a big heart, that much is true.

Somebody's gotta be the hero.
Somebody's gotta take a stand.
But baby, if it must be you,
at least give me a chance.
To say all the things I'm meanin',
all the things I'm dreamin',
and most of all, just kiss me,you fool.
I'll always love you.

Can't reverse fate or time,
can't rewrite song or rhyme.
But if there's anything I would say,
before your final breath;
whether in life, or in death,
I will always love you.

So. Yeah. Feels. It's funny cause I ship Tadashney so hard but then Tomadashi started creeping up on me and then BOOM. I'm back to the OTP war... It's funny, this honestly started as Tadashney, as you might can tell in the beginning verses about acting, and the side of black and grey, but the whole song is so heavy that it just ended up screaming GoGo. So yeah. That dash of emo, punk-rock just lingered, I couldn't help it xD I'm going to see this movie again Tuesday. Omg. Feels.

Re: Samuzic

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 3:59 pm
by ArnoldtheRubberDucky
To start off, I have no idea what this song is about... (I mean, I understand it's about Big Hero 6 and some sort of romance you've construed between a dead guy and a girl he interacted with for less than one minute of the movie, but other than that, some of the lines are hard to decipher.) :lol: Still, very interesting concept. I never thought of writing a far fiction song before. It sounds very "punk", and you're pretty good at the whole rhyming thing. It's been my experience that, when writing these types of songs, you should generally start with the music as opposed to the lyrics, but I understand everyone has different methods of songwriting. :)

Re: Samuzic

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 12:44 am
by Helios
You've inspired me, Sam, but I'll never reach the infinite beauty of your lines, no matter how hard I try. It's...perfect.