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Atheist/Agnostic Friends

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 8:47 pm
by Emuman
At school, (I attend a public school) I have a few friends that are atheist (not believing in a God at all), agnostic (believes in a God, but not a specific Religion), a friend that is supposedly Jewish and also Christian at the same time (I know, doesn't make sense, but I think it's more of a status thing to him. He also believes extremely scientific such as the 7 days was hypothetical, God caused the "Big Bang", and that we all have evolved from 1 organism and even believes in some of Charles Darwin's Theories, I'm not sure if he is a Christian or not, but it seems more like not even though he calls himself a Christian), and a couple of Christian friends (some Catholic and others Protestant). But at our lunch, we have been arguing over theories, concepts, ideas, beliefs, etc. My Christian friends and I have been able to argue against the non-Christians pretty well and hold our beliefs firm but there have been a few times when we have just not thought of anything to see in return. Here are a couple:

"Humans make up what they cannot believe"
"Where did God come from?" (I know that he has always been and will be here, but it is extremely hard to say that to somebody that I keep asking what came before what (example below))
Ex. "We all evolved from an organism"
Rebuke, "Where did the Organism come from?"
"From the Big Bang"
Rebuke, "What caused the Big Bang?"
(Not in exact words) "The speck of matter" (or whatever they believed caused it)
Rebuke, "What caused the speck of matter?"
(No response, can't think of anything because there had to be a cause, but then...)
(Non-Christian Response) "Where did God come from?"
See how it is hard to rebuke something that you have been using as going against their ideas?

So essentially what I am wondering is, how do I impact them in a way to help them become Christian without insulting their ideas or beliefs? And how am I supposed to stand my ground against these ideas that my knowledge is too small to answer?

I already know that I should pray, but other than that, what should I say?