do you think men should wear pants?

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Eleventh Doctor
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1. Excuse me, I think you're being rather rude here.
2. So after 1970 pants are no longer exclusively male clothes so women should be able to wear them right? I mean does your standard go by the original intentions or by current fashions?
4. You're pretty strict when compared to the general population or even other Christians really. It is a pretty small minority of Christians that say women wearing pants is a sin.

I got to keep everyone on their toes ;)
King of The Lands of Rhetoric, Lord Ruler of the Debate Vampires, and Duke of Quebec

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In some cases women can fight I admit. Sorry EleventhDoctor if I was rude. I have my personal beliefs - you have to admit that.
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Eleventh Doctor
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I don't begrudge you your personal belief. But you shouldn't go around calling those who disagree with you fools. I don't call you names and I would like you to extend the same courtesy. You are obviously well read on theological issues, especially on different Bible translations. So in the interest of having a good discussion can you clarify what you mean by the Bible is a Balanced book?

Also, do you decide what is male and female by the original intent or current fashions?
King of The Lands of Rhetoric, Lord Ruler of the Debate Vampires, and Duke of Quebec

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It seems to have contradictions, but it is balanced. For instance Proverbs 26:4 tells us not to answer a fool according to his folly "lest we be like him", but the next verse tells us to "answer a fool according to his folly lest he be wise in his own conceit". How should we clear up this contradiction? To follow verse 4 at times, and verse 5 at other times - according to the situation. If you have disagreements - tell me what you think. I know that Scripture does not really contradict itself - if it did than it would not be the Word of God.
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Eleventh Doctor
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I agree the Bible doesn't contradict itself but the answer isn't always that others are wrong in their interpretation, sometimes we're wrong ;)
King of The Lands of Rhetoric, Lord Ruler of the Debate Vampires, and Duke of Quebec

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Yes, we can be wrong. Therefore we must search and study the Scriptures. Indeed, one Scripture can explain another.
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Eleventh Doctor
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What would you say about this quote from CS Lewis? "Scripture is not the word of God; It is Christ Himself, who is the true word of God. The Bible, read in the right spirit and with the guidance of good teachers, will bring us to Him.”
King of The Lands of Rhetoric, Lord Ruler of the Debate Vampires, and Duke of Quebec

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You're right about that. Yet, if the Scripture is not the Word of God is it the Word of the Devil?
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Eleventh Doctor
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No.... it can still be inspired of God. Just saying, the Word of God mentioned in John isn't the Bible.
Last edited by Eleventh Doctor on Mon Jul 21, 2014 8:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
King of The Lands of Rhetoric, Lord Ruler of the Debate Vampires, and Duke of Quebec

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Okay, I'm not the Bible (WHAT A RIDICULOUS IDEA!!!).
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Eleventh Doctor
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Oops sorry I meant saying instead of say. I wasn't trying to force you to say anything :P
King of The Lands of Rhetoric, Lord Ruler of the Debate Vampires, and Duke of Quebec

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You didn't force me, but I don't want to get off-topic so I'll stop here.
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Eleventh Doctor
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Okay, to get back on topic. Should our definition of men and woman's clothing be dependent on the original intentions of the clothing or the current fashion? I mean should men be wearing robes like they did in Biblical times? And if men can change what they wear to meet current fashions why can't women?
King of The Lands of Rhetoric, Lord Ruler of the Debate Vampires, and Duke of Quebec

"It's particularly ignorant to assume malicious or ignorant intentions behind an opinion with which one disagrees." ~Connie
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Then women can wear pants & skirts, while men wear only pants? What confusion! Man, I'm exhausted. EleventhDoctor - you do make people tired! Sorry, that's true!
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Eleventh Doctor
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Hey, men can wear kilts too! How is that not confusing? No offense taken, I realize I tire others out, part of my strategy ;)
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Where was it said that pants were made exclusively for men? Were there even pants in Bible times?
John Henry
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Yet, there has to be a distinction. Everyone knows what men wear nowadays (though not places like Africa or Saudi Arabia, and not traditional dress) - pants. You may as well as say that a woman's braziers, sweaters, skirts, dresses, etc. are acceptable to be worn by men. I for one won't do it - No Sir!
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Mocha Jamocha
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John Henry wrote:woman's braziers
I should think that men shouldn't wear bras because they don't need to.
John Henry wrote:Yet, there has to be a distinction.
Why? Aside from a dubious verse in Deuteronomy (which we should note is surrounded by ceremonial law, and is therefore likely ceremonial law itself, especially considering that the garments referred to are warriors' clothes, as has previously been stated), there's nothing to indicate that men and women have to look different. In fact, men and women in Jesus's day wore clothes that didn't make them look distinct, and He never said anything on the subject, and we are told "there is neither [...] male nor female, for all are one in Christ Jesus", so all that put together says to me that we don't have to look vastly different from each other.
it's not about 'deserve'. it's about what you believe. and i believe in love
John Henry
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Yes, they did - one distinction. I don't remember which - but, you can find it in this commentary: Bob Utley, You can understand the Bible - Deuteronomy 22:5. I'd like you to balance these together - there is no male and female & the places where the Bible tells us (1 Corinthians 11, 1 Timothy 2) about a man's authority - I just want to know.
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Mocha Jamocha
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John Henry wrote:I'd like you to balance these together - there is no male and female & the places where the Bible tells us (1 Corinthians 11, 1 Timothy 2) about a man's authority - I just want to know.
They were speaking of the home and the church; Paul was specifically writing to Timothy about establishing conduct in the church, and 1 Corinthians 11 specifically uses "the head of every wife is her husband", not "the head of every woman is every man" (emphasis added). Meanwhile, Proverbs 31 talks about a woman who "considers a field and buys it" and "perceives her merchandise as profitable" whose works "praise her in the gates" and whose husband speaks well of her. Lydia, found in Acts 16, was a merchant, and her being a working woman is never condemned. The home and the church are completely different from the workplace and the general public; there are different rules for each place. So I balance that by saying that men and women are equal in the Spirit (neither is better, or indeed gets more special privileges in daily life, than the other), but in the church and the home, women should certainly be respected and valued, but men should take the pastorate and men are to be the leaders in their homes. Does that help clarify?
it's not about 'deserve'. it's about what you believe. and i believe in love
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