Odyssey Date Night: Who Do YOU Want to Date? (No, Seriously)

Do you think Matthew is a great character? Absolutely hate Emily? This is the place to discuss AIO characters, from the old to the new!
Butter Pecan
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Margaret Faye is quite nice, but she's sweet on Whit. I think Pound Foolish should go out with...


No wait...um...

Oh, dude, there are so few female baddies in AIO...

I KNOW!!! If Sammy was an AIO character, then Poundy would go out with her.


Because she hates him!!! Muahahahaha!!! :evil:

(although it's my private opi that she'd rather go with SOMEONE else...) ;)
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Fudge Marble
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Nononononooooooo, Sam has to go out with Arkan! SARKAN MUST BECOME A THING.
High wellborn Lady shnoodlec Knight of the Order of Augustine, formally known as Queen of the Monkeys. Q&A thread HERE. "SHNOOD IS THE OLDBIE NEWBIE AND SHE IS THE ONLY ONE WHO GETS THAT TITLE" - Belle
Butter Pecan
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No no no no no no! If we say that Sammy and Arkan must be together, then Arkan will not want to be with her! We must pretend that Sammy hates him and wishes upon him the same fate as that of his Foolish brother. And then...he will defy our wishes and sweep her away on a carriage of moon pearls and diamond strands!

And I will have to go looking for another MMPIC. :( *sigh*
Pound Foolish
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Ahh-ugh! No, no, NO! *scrambles up tree* I won't date Salome and you can't make me.
  • "Pound Foolish, I just adoreee arguing with you! Here, have an eyeball."
~Suzy Lou Foolish

As the founder of the E.R.K., may I say: Emily RULES!
Butter Pecan
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Why not? She dances like so be-yu-tee-full-ee!

Like a klutz. :P

Okay, how about... *lapses into meditative trance*

If I was an AIO character, would you date ME? :P
Pound Foolish
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Go away bad dream, boo.
  • "Pound Foolish, I just adoreee arguing with you! Here, have an eyeball."
~Suzy Lou Foolish

As the founder of the E.R.K., may I say: Emily RULES!
Butter Pecan
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Lol, okay. If Suzy Lou were an AIO character, would you date HER?


Thought so, ma'am. :P

But where in the world did Sarkan come from? :?
Pound Foolish
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Well, actually, I'm sure dating Clara would be lovely.

Anyhow... From what I've seen of you yes, I'm sure I would enjoy dating your character very much. *blushes* I mean, you come across as quite smart, and you like AIO, and "must write or die." Now, IF you're pretty, then you'd be just about my ideal. ;) Now, stop this, you silly little girl. Shame on you for even bringing this up.
As for Suzy... *more crickets* Yes, well.

Sarkan. Um. I'm sworn to secrecy.
  • "Pound Foolish, I just adoreee arguing with you! Here, have an eyeball."
~Suzy Lou Foolish

As the founder of the E.R.K., may I say: Emily RULES!
Butter Pecan
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Shame on me???

YOU were the one who brought up the whole dating thing to begin with! :evil: I feel no shame...I have no dignity...Samantha could tell you that. :P

And I already like someone else, so dating you is worth zilch thrill points. :P

And I am pretty. My best guy friend likes to tell me I'm pretty, so I must be. I will admit, I kicked him for it. :)

Secrecy, huh?

Very well.

I'll just, hm, pick it out of Samantha.

She tells me everything...
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Cookie Dough
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Pound Foolish wrote: Anyhow... From what I've seen of you yes, I'm sure I would enjoy dating your character very much. *blushes* I mean, you come across as quite smart, and you like AIO, and "must write or die." Now, IF you're pretty, then you'd be just about my ideal. ;) Now, stop this, you silly little girl. Shame on you for even bringing this up.
As for Suzy... *more crickets* Yes, well.
I walked in on this (^^^^) part of the conversation... LOL You are a strange little person, PF.

I was half listening to "Modesty is the Best Policy" with Bethany yesterday and officially decided I really like Jack. He's kind, caring and protective (an overall great guy.) Even when I know he doesn't end up with Donna, I can still appreciate him!
So if I didn't know he was going to marry Lucy, I would SO go out with him.

(then, when it didn't work out, I would go out with Jason ;))
Butter Pecan
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Strange don't begin to describe Poundy.... :evil:

Jack is really nice. He was a little feather-brained when he was a kid, but notice how Lucy picks him from Jimmy Barclay and Curt Stevens... ;)
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Cookie Dough
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I assume that is a joke on Lucy ;) hehe she could be a bit ditzy some times... Okay, a lot of the time! Haha
Butter Pecan
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Like Emily? :D

Lol, okay. She was insecure, definitely. I think one of her worst mistakes was going off with Rodney to visit Jellyfish in the woods.

But since Richard Maxwell rescued her, it turned out okay.

(Which reminds me: another character I'd want to date: RICHARD MAXWELL!) :D
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Cookie Dough
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No, not like Emily. *glares at Helios*
Yes, she was an idiot to go into those woods! My word, woman! Have a little common sense!

Richard?? Not my type, but enjoy! Haha
Butter Pecan
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Lol, that is so funny! "My word, woman! Have a little common sense!" But then she was what, 12? Not exactly the age of enlightenment and common sense. :D

Yes, I will definitely enjoy being with Richard... :)

And yes...ditzy is Emily's middle name. :D

BTW...you live in North Carolina???
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Cookie Dough
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I suppose we'll cut her a little slack ;)

Stop insulting Emily or I'll consult with PF about the monkeys!

Yes, I do live in NC :)
Butter Pecan
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Goody! I just can't wait to get the monkeys! :D And I'm sure PF will oblige. ;) He's very nice in that way.

Pandemonium! I used to live in NC, too! I'm in awe! What area are you in (if you mind, you don't have to tell me). :D
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"Gotcha covered, big guy!"
-Connie Kendall, The No Factor
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Kaida wrote:Hmm.. A date with a character.. Does it have to be a romanticy kind of date? Cause I wouldn't mind going on a "date" with Mr. Whittaker. It would kinda be like a daddy date or more like a granddaddy date. It would just be awesome to sit and talk with him about different things.
Yuck. Loveydovey stuff. But I like ^^^^^ idea.
I think it would be really fun to hang out with him. Or Jack or Jason.
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Butter Pecan
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I think a date with Monty would be exciting! He's always getting into a trouble...it would be a real adventure.

But only if it wasn't romantic. Just a friends date. :D
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