Character Diaries

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Pound Foolish
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Character Diaries


Pretend you're an AIO character, and write your thoughts. It can be about something that happened to "you" in a real episode, or just something you make up.
I like to have control. All my friends know that. Something comes over me when I can't control things... when I really want something and can't have it... when I'm worried and can't help... when I need someone and they're not there...
My faithful side kick (well, unwillingly-faithful) Matthew, just doesn't understand sometimes. I
had to do what I did. I had no choice.
I had to go see Buck.
He's in jail. I know, he did a lot of wrong things. But sometimes, this urge comes over me. I remember what I feel like when I'm with him. I remember how always treated me. What he said to me. My mom doesn't see why I ask her to drive me there for a short visit every few weeks. She says she understands. But she doesn't. All she really means is she feels sorry for me.
But she doesn't understand. She hardly ever understands the parts about she doesn't like... that aren't like her.
When i see Buck in a small room, with bars as one of the walls, it hurts. I I want to be in control. To handle things my way. And there's Buck. In a cage. And I can't help him. Out of my control.
But, then, he was never in my control.
Emily Jones

Oh, the depravity! Ohhhhh, the humanity! How dare Eugene insist I rewrite my script! It is inhuman. It is like demanding of Mozart he burn his music. Like asking Homer to replace Hercules in the Iliad with a clown. Like... painting smiley faces on The Last Judgement! It shall ruin my carreer. And all on the alter of historic accuracy! Why, oh why must a historic radio drama need any historical accuracy? Ah, how much sharper than a serpent's tongue is a Eugene's imbecility!
And only last month was I humiliated over the radio in that confounded other drama I did of Samson which was destroyed at the hands of Harlow Doyle.
Where art thou, oh justice!?
Edwin Blackgaard, great acting genius
“I absolutely demand of you and everyone I know that they be widely read in every [censored] field there is: in every religion and every art form and don’t tell me you haven’t got time! There’s plenty of time.”~ Ray Bradbury
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I really feel like annoying someone today. In fact, I feel like annoying someone every day! Let me go plague the world with my stench, and annoy Matthew and Barret till they are insane with rage. Maybe I should go flirt with Buck while I'm at it! Oh, I'm so great at solving mysteries! Sometimes I scare myself with my extreme perception. Well, I guess I'll go annoy someone now with my voice.

Emily Jones

How's that, PF? ;)
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CreativeThinker101 wrote:I really feel like annoying someone today. In fact, I feel like annoying someone every day! Let me go plague the world with my stench, and annoy Matthew and Barret till they are insane with rage. Maybe I should go flirt with Buck while I'm at it! Oh, I'm so great at solving mysteries! Sometimes I scare myself with my extreme perception. Well, I guess I'll go annoy someone now with my stupid little voice.

Emily Jones

How's that, PF? ;)
One word: Epic
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Nelson S.
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CreativeThinker101 wrote:I really feel like annoying someone today. In fact, I feel like annoying someone every day! Let me go plague the world with my stench, and annoy Matthew and Barret till they are insane with rage. Maybe I should go flirt with Buck while I'm at it! Oh, I'm so great at solving mysteries! Sometimes I scare myself with my extreme perception. Well, I guess I'll go annoy someone now with my stupid little voice.

Emily Jones

How's that, PF? ;)
Oh, that was so good!! You should write a script for AIO!!
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Actually, that was quite cheesy, Mr. Thinker. You could do better. =P
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Aaron Wiley
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Now here's a cool idea for a blog... I think "Alex Jefferson" already did something like this, but it's a really fun idea, I think.
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Arkán Dreamwalker
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CreativeThinker101 wrote:I really feel like annoying someone today. In fact, I feel like annoying someone every day! Let me go plague the world with my stench, and annoy Matthew and Barret till they are insane with rage. Maybe I should go flirt with Buck while I'm at it! Oh, I'm so great at solving mysteries! Sometimes I scare myself with my extreme perception. Well, I guess I'll go annoy someone now with my stupid little voice.

Emily Jones

How's that, PF? ;)
Mr. Thinker, don't you DARE turn this place into another EmilyWar Location. The EmilyWar is fine, but this is a perfectly nice topic and doesn't need to be turned into something other than what it is.
~ Walker in Dreams
Pound Foolish
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Well said, Arkán! (I copied the accent from your message. ;) ) Death to EmilyHaters, and their stupid shots at her! By the way, do you think we should find a dramatic way to let everyone in on our little secret, sometime soon... ? :p

Aaron, I'm curious what you mean. I assume you mean the "Alex Jefferson" with JAAIOB? In reference to Adventures in Connelsville? Yes, this topic similar. As for it going on a blog, I'm considering posting this also on my CC, where I have a blog.
And, come onnnn guys... how people keep talking about that super short, rotten, low joke of Mr. Thinker's and not about the awesome stuff I wrote!?
“I absolutely demand of you and everyone I know that they be widely read in every [censored] field there is: in every religion and every art form and don’t tell me you haven’t got time! There’s plenty of time.”~ Ray Bradbury
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Very nice Pound Foolish.

Okay, before I write this, I have an idea, and I hope that it doesn't sound too weird.

"We need eggs." says my husband as I leave for the supermarket. I head to the dairy section first. Brown, white, speckled, big, small. The choices swirl in my head.
"Cookies!!" A little child cries with delight. His mother smiles, hugs him, and pulls a bag off the shelf. She is happy, the child is happy.
"Mommy, I got the sour cream!" A slightly older girl hands it to her mother, anxious to be helpful. "You are such a good helper!" The mother replies, kissing her child on the forehead. My heart aches for someone to love like that, to love a little one, my arms feel limp without someone to hold.
"Lord, help me!" I pray. "I need a child! Show me how to cope!" I stand by the eggs with my eyes closed for what seems like an eternity. Then, I feel a hand. I look up.
"The Lord told me you needed me." my husband says, and opens his arms for a hug.

~Katrina Shanks.
~Queen Belle of Altanovia, Knight of Montreal & Order of Aristotle, Benevolent Dictator, Catspaw of the SS, & Dan's couch troll~
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Dear journal, Why can't they understand me? i cant help if pink is silly,and so are all things girly. i'll admit that i am a tomboy. i just dont like girly stuff. well anyway, the soccer team won the game. i was rewarded with ice cream, with liv and matt, prissy and barret, and em, jay just had two come, he just had 2. he is just stange. cammila

-- Thu Oct 18, 2012 7:45 pm --
CreativeThinker101 wrote:I really feel like annoying someone today. In fact, I feel like annoying someone every day! Let me go plague the world with my stench, and annoy Matthew and Barret till they are insane with rage. Maybe I should go flirt with Buck while I'm at it! Oh, I'm so great at solving mysteries! Sometimes I scare myself with my extreme perception. Well, I guess I'll go annoy someone now with my stupid little voice.

Emily Jones

How's that, PF? ;)
Isn't that a little rude. I mean, talking like that.

-- Thu Nov 01, 2012 3:00 am --

Dear Journal, I just got home from school, and i've decided that Valerie Is horrid! Why can't she take her Super-Modelness, some place else?! She did that thing to Amber last year, that stunt with Jay and Katrina, and Her being her, the thing with Ryan, Jill, Nelson, and Alice, and the little town, Oh yeah, Kidsboro is the name, She almost ruined it, and she thinks that just because she gets half her clothes specially made, gets expensive hair products, gets a manicure and pedicure once a month, has her ears pierced, and might I add wears huge earrings all the time, and she considers foundation, powder, blush, lipstick, lip gloss, mascara, eyeliner, brow sealer, eye shadow, concealer, and corrector too, light make up on her! Olivia L. Parker
"What-ever."- Pound Foolish


"Why are you cutting a table with a chainsaw...?"
Pound Foolish
Coffee Biscotti
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Hee hee! What's correcter? Never mind. I don't want to know. I already have visions of women's beauty product's dancing my head.
“I absolutely demand of you and everyone I know that they be widely read in every [censored] field there is: in every religion and every art form and don’t tell me you haven’t got time! There’s plenty of time.”~ Ray Bradbury
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Mint Chocolate Chip
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Dear diary,
Today was an interesting one, to say the least. I've spent the past forever now trying to decide what I want to be when I grow up. Matthew and I have our detective agency, and it goes pretty well! But... it can't last forever. Nothing lasts forever, sadly. I'm trying to decide what I'm here for. All this time, I've longed nothing more than to be a judge like my dad. I want oh, so much for him to be proud of me. But, the other day, when everyone thought I was a genius, and it turned out to be a mistake? He said he would be proud of me no matter what I became, or what I was. At the time, I believed him. I mean, I still do.... But, ...hmm... It's just getting harder to convince myself these days. I'm helping my dad with a court case for school, and have been for a while now. And you know... I really hate this. I mean, I want to become a judge and make my dad proud and everything... But, all the work that goes in is so hard and confusing... I finished today, though. I'm going to show him... But, I'm not sure how to tell him I don't like it. At least... I wasn't. I wasn't sure that my dreaming and lying to myself that this would work if I just tried harder would work. Well... The answer is a split decision, really. I was talking to Mr. Whittaker today, telling him about what all was wrong. He suggested that I go in the I.S. for an adventure. I wasn't sure it would help, but, I went in and braced myself. Through this story, I saw him grow up and face trials and troubles just as we face today. I always knew that the past and the present weren't that much different, but, you might say that it was even harder back then. At least, to me. Of course, some are different, so, they're hard in their own ways. Anyways, As I was about to end the program, he talked to me a little bit. He said it's not wrong to dream. But, sometimes our lives, surroundings, and priorities change, so it changes the dream. Sometimes dreams come true, if that's what God has planned. As long as you remember the things He's blessed you with and taken you through, that's all that really matters. I don't suppose I've ever stopped and looked at it that way before. Perhaps this isn't what God has in store for me? Maybe, he's just telling me to wait? Now I just hope that I can do whatever it is He has planned for me. Either way, I don't know right now, I'll just have to wait and see. What I do know, is that I have a case... and a decision... To talk about with my dad. =)
Yours truly,
Emily Jones.
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Log entry 1.3.13: The Day of the Purple Moon

Journal, today was perhaps one of the most important days of my life. It was practically life changing! Or at least it has the potential to be. As you know i got a job at a local diner, as a waitress. There was one table tonight that had a group of rowdy men probably from the local college. Two I recognized as former customers, and two I didn't recognize. When I used the word "rowdy" I only meant that they were kind of loud and outgoing. But they weren't rude by any means. It's always fun to get customers that actually try to hold a conversation. One of the strangers was particularly nice. When I came by after they left to pick up the tip, I noticed a note in the spot where the "nice" one had been sitting. It said,
"I really hope the others didn't get under your skin too much. They act like animals sometimes, but they really are great guys. Praying that you have a good rest of the evening/week/night. Thanks again for your service and for putting up with us."
At the bottom of the note it had the initials: RM.
The note was so sweet Journal, and I really wish he had left some way for me to contact him... I'd really like to get to know him a little better. I almost saw a glimmer in his eye, that he was up to something from the moment he saw me. The rest of the evening, and even now I have been in the best of moods. I wonder if he'll come back to the diner as a regular? I guess only time will tell. Though one thing is for sure; I'm letting God have this one completely. I learned that lesson a long time ago. Not everything goes my way, but God's plans are much bigger than my own. One thing is for sure, if things don't work out how I want them to I'll say "Go away bad dream BOO!" like my parents taught me, but then also look to God to help me through what he brought me to.
So as I was saying Journal, this day wasn't like any normal day. Usually I can pretty much assume that everything will be like the previous day and the moon will be bright and white like normal. But today all things considered, I'll say that it was a special "Purple Moon" kind of day. (I know the saying is "Blue moon" but purple is cooler.)

~Clara (*Age 18)
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Mint Chocolate Chip
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Oh, wow! I love it, Jase! I would have never thought to do Clara! :D Great job!
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July 2nd 2014 10:49am
Jared Dewhite
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