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Wait... a doorknob???

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 10:05 am
by PennyBassett
*falls out of the closet*

oH. Hello.

Re: Wait... a doorknob???

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 11:02 pm
by Tarol
This title is an actually interesting picture... I really respect you for coming out and admitting how you feel. I pray God will guide you as you go through this new period of life. Does your family or parents know?

Just a side note, here at college some of my favorite/and coolest female friends are gay. Friendships like these are so interesting and can be fun pure platonicness I think. I hope you find the same!

Re: Wait... a doorknob???

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2019 11:07 pm
by PennyBassett
Thank you for being understanding! I appreciate everyone's perspective on this! Yes, most of my family knows. I haven't told a couple of younger siblings, wanting to respect my parents' view on the subject, but my family at home mostly knows, and so does a bit of my extended family. It's really caused the most drama between my parents and I. There was a lot of misunderstanding and negative assumptions we had to work through, but it has gotten better. I can really see a lot where everyone is coming from with their opinions and interpretations of scripture, so it's difficult to know which is right. I honestly don't have a strong opinion on it yet. Regardless, there are also a ton of misunderstandings within the Christian community about what being gay is actually like, so if anyone has questions is or wants to add their opinion, I'm up for it.

Re: Wait... a doorknob???

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2019 11:29 pm
by Bethany Shepard
I'm proud of you for being open and honest with sharing your sexuality! That takes a lot of courage, especially with the condescension that the Christian community gives. I think frequently, they believe it's a choice.
As of right know, how do you view it through scripture and how do you see the Christian community misunderstanding it?

Re: Wait... a doorknob???

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 4:39 pm
by Blitz
Oi.. That's something quite interesting to share here. My brother is gay. I don't not get a long with him because he is gay but for other reasons but that's a minor issue. Just don't drop the bomb in a hard way, and I know your parents will love you even if its hard for them. Take care and be safe.

Re: Wait... a doorknob???

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 5:47 am
by djchatswithu
We are all made in God's image and I believe that there is a reason behind every event in each day of our lives that God has worked out. Even though the bible says that a relationship is between a man and a woman, I'm pretty sure that god wants us to support everyone in the decisions that they make. I personally have nothing against the gay community, in fact, a few of my favorite show's star gay actors, or star an actor who plays a character who is gay.

Re: Wait... a doorknob???

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2019 9:57 pm
by shnoodlec.
Welcome to the club! There's a ton of us around - more than you think. ;)