
Monday - The day should begin pleasantly with a 100% chance of a sunrise around 7:54 a.m.
Tuesday - The sun will be overhead around noon today, probably leading to shorter shadows.
Wednesday - As typical of this time of the year, weather for today is rather unpredictable.
Thursday - There is a 0% chance of a sunrise this evening, but outlook for a sunset looks promising.
Friday - Late this evening, it will get dark, as it tends to do.
*All weather has a 23% accuracy.

Monday should be 50% cloudy and pleasant.
Tuesday should be 50% sunny and pleasant.
Wednesday might be 32.14% sunny with a 103% chance of rain around 4:05 p.m.
Thursday may be nice. Then again it could be nasty.
Friday could bring occasional sunlight followed by periods of sunlessness.

This article originally appeared in "The Odyssey Times," a special fictional newspaper produced by Focus on the Family to promote Adventures in Odyssey.

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